This is why...........


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Jan 11, 2008
When in the market for a performance transmission, you call Goerend. These are the same clutches we have ran all year. They were ran with 200psi line pressure and smooth shifting even with a manual vb. At 13-1400 hp, they lived for over 100 passes. Imagine how long they would live in a daily driver.
Forward clutches look literally brand new. Not even a line on the steels. Ill snap a pic tomorrow of them.
My Firepunk trans (TRE) was basically brand new looking after 30K+ after 700+hp and a year and half after it was built. I was tickeled sh!tless with it.
My Firepunk trans (TRE) was basically brand new looking after 30K+ after 700+hp and a year and half after it was built. I was tickeled sh!tless with it.
Go easy Matt- this is in Goerend's Sponsor Forum.

Ashley, they look incredible. What pump? 47 or 48?
Dave really is a great guy. He and Jeff talked recently. Jeff had to thank him for the tranny referals that he couldn't get to.

I respect anyone that can send business to a competitor. That shows respect for Garmon as well.

Thanks Dave! That's a class act.
We have actually used both pumps. We had an alignment issue with the midplate, so we been through a few pumps this year.
We have actually used both pumps. We had an alignment issue with the midplate, so we been through a few pumps this year.

I always shed a tear when I don't see the golfball dimples on the pump bushing.

Whoops, didn't see that. My apologies.

Anyone who can make these clutches last (Goerend, etc) is awesome in my book. :)

they sell awesome valve bodies. I love my manual vb from them.

Ditto. I've abused my poor Goerend convertor and it keeps on ticking. I also know it's good to 5800rpm now. :doh:
I just recently got onboard with Goerend and I'm very impressed with their product quality and parts service. So far I've done one rebuild with their parts and it's working flawlessly.