Trans and rearend.


New member
Feb 12, 2010
Maybe some one can help me out. Our company has a old 86 gmc top kick with a 3208 cat, eaton 5 speed, and eaton rear. I cant read the tag on the trans and cant really find anything on the rear other than eaton stamped on it. Can anyone help me out on identifying these?
there were so many different combo's on those trucks that it could be anything.
Kinda what I have come up with. I'll have try to inspect it some more when its not snowing and thundering here.

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you're best bet is to take the vin number and call a gm dealer that you trust on the parts side with an older guy still working there that might know a little somethign about the older medium duty trucks.
The tag is still on the Trans but has been painted over. And i thought the rear was a little big and over kill for the truck.

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This is what i got off the rear.
Cast into it 107493

Stamped on top of pumpkin
5 57

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I'm not coming up with many specs on this rearend. Or i'm looking in the wrong places.
the eaton 5spds are a common med duty trans for those, 5th is 1 to 1
About the only good info on the rear end I'm coming up with is that it has a 17 ring gear. Not much more info on it. Or could be looking the wrong places. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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I can try to run those numbers off the axle while I am at work in my spare time, are you able to get a picture of the brake shoes though? preferably the ends where the rollers are sitting. But a pic of the whole shoe roller to roller please.
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I'll try beginning of next week. Thanks.

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107495. If they are on the end of pinion shaft I'll have to take drive shaft off.

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You ever figure anything out?? Is that thing a 2spd?? Also can ya shoot me a pic of the rear of the housing??
Ill compare it to a few trucks we have around the shop.
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Not yet, been busy with work. I'll shoot some more pics this morning. Thanks.

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