Water marks

A good buffer some compound and a lot of patience. You might want to start drying your truck after u wash it, that will keep them from coming back as fast.
A good Wax Remover/Cleaner and a Clay Bar. Then a good Wax.

If that doesn't work it may need to be lightly sanded and Buffed? (aka Professional)
Like others said, wax and clay bar should work.

I'd shy away from using a buffer, especially if you don't use one often. I've seen a lot of fender edges rubbed down to the primer because they buffed an edge too much and didn't know it or ran the buffer the wrong way up to the edge.
Caused from the calcium and sulfur in the water. I normally give the truck a good wash then with a pump-up sprayer get a couple of gallons of drinking water and spray the truck then dry off with a micro fiber cloth. Always works for me