
Should have some real interesting turbo products to offer in the next few months.
I'm hoping to need some real interesting turbo products in the next few months. I'll have to see what you can get me to afford.
Mouth breathers can spell infinite but not performance? (not directed at you, just your clientele)

My previous domain was, this time around I wanted control of the website design and a shorter website address.
I have a single product page for the mobile version, but yes I am working to make both versions user friendly.
No DVs or SpoolValves? Yet?

Delivery valves are available, they aren't a big item though because most buy the knock-offs for less money. The spool flanges are being revised, I have a batch of 30 that will need updated, then I will proceed with listing them.
Got a T-3 version?

I know you don't I just wish you did. LOL
Good to hear Weston, I am interested in trying a version of quick spool flange this year as well.