Wheres Lloyd?


Garofalo Enterprises
Jul 30, 2006
I have been trying to get a hold of Lloyd for about a month now with no luck.

One of my friends ordered and paid for injectors and also has not been able to get any return calls back.

The injectors are paid for and he already got his credit card bill....
Mike, you've bee trying for a month? You tried about 4 weeks ago when the initial order was placed. then the other day. So please don't make it sound as though it was repeated calls. Your initial call for the injectors a month ago was not returned because the order had already been placed by your customer, so there was no need to call you back once I had him squared away.

As for the injectors, he was told it would be a few weeks due to the back up of work, and at that time he said it was not a problem and that he was not in a rush. And yes, I am well aware they were paid for. NO orders are taken for injector work unless it is paid for in advance. No exceptions. We do not bill them at the time they are received. He also was made aware of that. Otherwise I would not have had his credit card info
A simple return call would be the proper thing to do!!!!

I had some other customers for you, that is why I was calling!!
I don't like to speak for other people, but I am going to.

TJ has called and left you 5 messages with no returned calls. The injectors were ordered on the 9th of April which is coming up on 6 weeks (end of this week), so the "few weeks" you told him have long since passed. I know you have the reputation of being a busy guy, but I would definitely be nervous if I were in TJ's shoes...he is just going on word-of-mouth recommendations and with the money he has spent on injectors that he has not heard anything about, I can't say as I blame him for being concerned.
has anyone in this thread tried or used common sense or any amount of patience?? guess that is why the world we live in is going down the crapper, no one has any patience or common sense anymore.
has anyone in this thread tried or used common sense or any amount of patience?? guess that is why the world we live in is going down the crapper, no one has any patience or common sense anymore.

What does common sense have to do with it?
i think a simple call back is what they were after,thats all.should it take a post like this to get a simple phone call,text, and or email.just my thoughts
i think a simple call back is what they were after,thats all.should it take a post like this to get a simple phone call,text, and or email.just my thoughts

At this point, that is all TJ is looking for.
common sense would tell you that the person with the injectors may possibly have more then just tha tset to work on... i know that if i had multiple people calling about the same issue, i for one would deal with the original person/owner only especially if my time was at a premium.
j-rod-since you only asked what common sense has to do with this situation, i guess you understand where a small amount of patience would come into play.
i guess you understand where a small amount of patience would come into play.
I'm not trying to knock anyone here but you ask for a small amount of patience, I think they are asking for a small amount of time...about a 30 second phone would most likely suffice and none of this would ever happen.
TJ has called numerous times with no call,text,email or even messanger pigeon.

Yes a 30 second phone call would be the proper thing to do.
common sense would tell you that the person with the injectors may possibly have more then just tha tset to work on... i know that if i had multiple people calling about the same issue, i for one would deal with the original person/owner only especially if my time was at a premium.
j-rod-since you only asked what common sense has to do with this situation, i guess you understand where a small amount of patience would come into play.

Yes, I do understand patience, and I do understand that TJ's injectors are not the only ones F1 or Lloyd may be concerned with. All I am going on is what has been relayed to me, and that is no communication for almost 6 weeks. In 6 weeks time, I would think a 30 second phone call could have happened. TJ is being more patient than I would be.

I told TJ to get on here, so hopefully he does after work. Like I posed earlier, I don't like speaking for people, but he does not frequent this forum much.
well here is a situation to ponder, i am in the same boat as you all. and guess what i am not worried. i sent my injectors out on monday 3/15/10 to be checked and tweaked a bit, so we are now going on 9 weeks and i am not worried. i know who has them, i know they are busy, i havent talked to him since that day when i let him know they were in the mail. when he is done he will mail them back, no worries. it doesnt make anyone want to work any faster if they keep getting hounded! people work at their own pace bc of either work load or human nature and NOTHING is going ot change that. i know lloyd and he works hard everyday and each time i am working on a truck with him his phone rings nonstop, if he answered every single call no work would ever get done. so if you were trying to run a bus. to support a family would you try to get work moving or call everyone that has done bus. with you every other week, pat them on the back and tell them everything is going to be alright your parts are being worked on. lloyd may get mad at me for jumping in here (bc he has no idea i have posted) but i get so sick and tired of everyone whining about every vender about their parts are taking too long, the instructions werent written in crayon or color coded. patience in a virtue that no one has, unlike an a**hole which everyone has. i am done posting in this thread, i have said what i needed to say
All I (TJ the "impatient/HOUNDING customer") was looking for was an update on how everything was comming along. Lloyd did tell me they would be a few weeks and i did tell him i was fine with that. I waited a month before I called and all I did when I called, on each and every voice mail I left him, was simply ask him for an update as to how progress was comming. I wasn't in any rush for them and I still am not in a rush or rushing him, I just wanted to know how things were going. Simply a phone call back or text is all I was looking for, nothing more, nothing less. It literally takes 30 seconds to do either one of those and that's all I was lookin for.

and to jkretzer, I'm not and neither is anyone else whining about parts taking too long, looking for a pat on the back (which doesn't even make sense in this situation, i mean since you brought up common sense), or implying Lloyd doesn’t work hard because to be as knowledgeable as he is and have a successful business, he has to work hard. i was just lookin for some sort of update or response to how it was all going.
well here is a situation to ponder, i am in the same boat as you all. and guess what i am not worried. i sent my injectors out on monday 3/15/10 to be checked and tweaked a bit, so we are now going on 9 weeks and i am not worried. i know who has them, i know they are busy, i havent talked to him since that day when i let him know they were in the mail. when he is done he will mail them back, no worries. it doesnt make anyone want to work any faster if they keep getting hounded! people work at their own pace bc of either work load or human nature and NOTHING is going ot change that. i know lloyd and he works hard everyday and each time i am working on a truck with him his phone rings nonstop, if he answered every single call no work would ever get done. so if you were trying to run a bus. to support a family would you try to get work moving or call everyone that has done bus. with you every other week, pat them on the back and tell them everything is going to be alright your parts are being worked on. lloyd may get mad at me for jumping in here (bc he has no idea i have posted) but i get so sick and tired of everyone whining about every vender about their parts are taking too long, the instructions werent written in crayon or color coded. patience in a virtue that no one has, unlike an a**hole which everyone has. i am done posting in this thread, i have said what i needed to say

did I hear a 9er in there?
Derail attempt in progress.

Amab/TJ, I like that car in your avatar. What year is that ?