Who has Firepunk EFI Live?


New member
Mar 7, 2012
Considering EFI Live from Firepunk for my 2006 5.9.

Who has tuning from them and what do you like about it?

My truck has Airdog 150, 50HP Exergy injectors, and 60/68/12 "towing" turbo for ED and EFI by ED.
I do lol #hobbittuned.
I think it's $350 for CSP5 tuning if Lavon emails me the file and we use my V2 but I can't remember if that includes the VIN license or not.
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I do lol #hobbittuned.
I think it's $350 for CSP5 tuning if Lavon emails me the file and we use my V2 but I can't remember if that includes the VIN license or not.

No, it doesn't include the VIN license as that has zero ties to the tune, and is directly related to the V2.

To the OP, you can go to Firepunk and have them tune and flash your truck or you can find someone near you with a V2, have Firepunk email the tune to you and then use the person with the V2 to flash your truck. You would have a cost to Firepunk and then a cost to the person for the use of V2 for the license ($125).
I'm not affiliated with anyone I suppose. Just a buddy with a V2 that I bought for tuning and data logging my truck.
Considering EFI Live from Firepunk for my 2006 5.9.

Who has tuning from them and what do you like about it?

My truck has Airdog 150, 50HP Exergy injectors, and 60/68/12 "towing" turbo for ED and EFI by ED.

I just bought Firepunk EFI live csp5 tunes on their website for my stock 2006 with their transmission. (I have a V2)
I received the tunes in a day in an email.
I run the race tune 100% of the time :Cheer:
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I have FirePunk's EFI live tuning on my Mega (6.7) and their trans tuning for my 68RFE. Absolutely love the way my truck runs and picked up mileage over a local tuner who talked me into trying his tuning with one of those "too good to be true deals"
are the tunes locked? Can you make your own changes to them?

no good tuner who does it for a living will let you see their tables. they have so much heart, soul and time in those tables it is like a trademark to them. Totally understandable, i have spent months worth of hours tweaking tables and i still cant compare to what the big dogs can produce (in the daily driving aspect). Anyone can make a truck fuel like they want at WOT... its about tying all the tables together to make it drive-able all over the map. thats what makes the famous tuners the best:bow: