Who is StarLite Diesel?

StarLite Diesel

EFILive Cummins Tester
Oct 30, 2009
Hello all...

I'm sure many of you that see my company name flying around on the active EFILive threads are wondering "just who in the hell is this guy?"

Well - I figured i'd take a few minutes of your time to explain "who" StarLite Diesel is and why I'm here.

My name is Zach Fuller. I have been an EFILive user for over 5 years. In fact, I probably started out just like many of guys in the Cummins crowd are feeling now about EFILive. Excited yet nervous.

When I started out with EFILive, I had other people that I both paid to tune and also people I learned A LOT from (thanks Chris!!). Until the past year and a half I haven't really 'shared' that knowledge to anyone beyond the 'guys' at my local race track in Salt Lake. I wasn't really being selfish - I just felt like (and still do) that I was a little fish in a BIG pond of EFILive users and tuners.

About 18 months ago I was fortunate enough to get word that EFILive was exploring the expansion of their product lines into the Dodge world. I sent a few emails and decided I wanted to be in on the project as a beta tester - and probably hounded poor Cindy to death in the process. Lucky me - I was 'accepted' not long after as one of the beta testers and began doing what i could clear back then (January of 2010) for EFILive to help get development going. Mostly this entailed plugging into and downloading as many Dodge ECMs as possible in a short period of time.

From there it was the waiting game, for almost another 12 months! This past January - I received a long awaited email. FINALLY the Dodge beta was under way!

I had already selected a set of 'test trucks' from a pool of over 20 that wanted to be 'IN' the beta testing phase and were willing to risk problems with their trucks to further develop and hone the product. I initially had 4 test trucks which very recently expanded to 5. So, since February I have been tuning 4 seperate trucks - even getting dyno time with a couple of them - to find out what works and what "needed help" in the tuning software.

As you already know - there were about 10 - 12 active participants in the EFILive Dodge beta, nation wide. I consider myself very lucky that I was part of this group and that I had so many trucks with varying configurations to test on. While none of these trucks is a dyno queen (2 of them were bone stock in fact) - they each presented different challenges to overcome during testing. The end result is right now, all 5 of these Dodge trucks are driving around with 100 HP+ gains to the ground, better mileage and MUCH better drivability on the modded trucks - and happy smiling owners.

I have tuned or "helped" tune many Duramax's over the past couple of years, and in particular the past year. I don't have hundreds of Duramax's that I can claim, however beings as we are ALL brand new to the Cummins tuning arena - I believe i'm on equal footing with everyone else out there "in the tuning game" - both in experience with these trucks and having a GREAT pool of resources. I have a close working relationship with 2 major local shops, Industrial Injection and Gillett diesel. When I don't know what to expect from a particular modded cp3 or giant turbo, I have pepole to ask so that the tuning gets dialed in quicker for my customer.

In this brand new arena of Cumming tuning Different configs on different trucks are going to come up and create issues from time to time. Part of the beauty of EFILive is that I can work directly with the owners of these trucks - big or small - and use EFILive's scanning/data logging to help hone in on the problem and correct it in the tune.

I won't lie. I have a long ways to go to earn you as a customer and to have my name become as common as many others. I don't have a huge product offering because I aim to focus primarily on EFILive tuning, education and sales. I hope to pass on the 'Dark Art' of tuning these trucks to my customers so that they aren't afraid to make changes to their trucks themselves or even help out the next 'noob' that posts a silly question about it.

I look forward to getting the chance to earn your business, and help you turn your truck into what you want it to be. I won't make everyone happy all the time, but I will do everything I can to be sure that the momentarily unhappy people end up HAPPY!

If you have questions for me, please feel free to ask. I have worked with many vendors on this site both as an EFILive beta tester (knowledge exchange) and as a customer to them. I am hoping none of them has anything bad to say about me :blahblah1:

Thanks for your time! I realize I just took up alot of it *bdh*

Hey Zach...

Consider me as a future customer....I'm waiting in line with my truck when EFI gets to the '03-'05s....until then, I did go ahead and get the SSR to play with...not really sold on it tho...really want the EFI set up...but wanted more power at this present time.
