window cleaning question


New member
Feb 23, 2009
Trying to clean up the 97 dodge i bought a couple months ago. One thing that has been bugging me is the water spots/stains on the outside of the windows. I've scrubbed and used different glass cleaners but nothing is working. Someone told me once that you can buff a window. Has anyone else tried this or have any other solutions to getting rid of the water spots?
Vinegar usually works, if not you can sand/buff a window. Just like paint.
Zaino glass polish is the only thing I've ever used (no buffer). I've seen it done with a buffer, but that's a do at your own risk. Heat can cause it to crack, too much pressure can also cause it to crack. I'd try the Zaino first...
alcohol and water 1:1 ratio works well, have heard of somebody clay barring their window before...not sure how that turned out for them.
If I could figure out how to get this helmet off I would just lick them clean for you
as said alcohol/water mix and use old newspapers for washing and drying it.
I've read a lot about body shops using 0000 steel wool with glass cleaner for bad water spots on glass. I have not tried it but if ya google it a lot of people swear by it.