Correct Dates for TS Outlaw 2013

I was just giving the forecast. If it makes everybody better, chances all dropped 10%. Atleast the weathers not supposed to be un the damn 50s and drizzling! see what the east coast is all about...

Sorry, but southern KY isn't even close to the east coast. At least 575 miles to the nearest ocean.

Just trying to make sure you get to the right place.........:poke:
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Was the other plan to not bring pants?

He was torn on entering the bikini contest or not. Shorts or bikini bottoms were his options.
I have a speedo you can borrow if you want. Just let me know and I'll bring it down LOL


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  • Halloween.jpg
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He was torn on entering the bikini contest or not. Shorts or bikini bottoms were his options.
I have a speedo you can borrow if you want. Just let me know and I'll bring it down LOL

For the Love of God, no one needed to see that!
He was torn on entering the bikini contest or not. Shorts or bikini bottoms were his options.
I have a speedo you can borrow if you want. Just let me know and I'll bring it down LOL

I'm a little surprised you didn't complete that Phelps outfit with a joint.
Forgot to mention this, but anyone with any used oils (veggie, peanut, trans, motor, gear, etc....) bring it to ts, ill take it off your hands.

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He was torn on entering the bikini contest or not. Shorts or bikini bottoms were his options.
I have a speedo you can borrow if you want. Just let me know and I'll bring it down LOL

Why would you put such an image this close to TS? Somethings are best left unseen, and that my friend is one of them..:doh:

Joker Mind Loss - take off your shirt by a body of water its normal take off y

I just randomly saw this online, I had to post it. LOL
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