smokin around the town

what ever i am not going to get into it with a bunch of people over the computer.. my point is that this happens all the time people do this everyday and people talking on a form about it aint going to change anything so who really cares what people do with their stuff its their stuff to do what they want with it. and i am not trying to make anyone mad i will be the first person to admit that i am not mature enough to not blow smoke at people but i just think its funny! but this is just ridiculous with all this crap going on the guy made a video for fun and it has turned into a big big fiasco of all this whoo haa so you know i was just stating my opinion on the situation and am not meaning to add fuel to the fire... but that still doesnt change the fact that this happens all the time and getting angry about it over the computer isnt going to change anything so i just wanted to add that in their also.. you all have a good day and happy posting

so when you smoke someone out they run into a tree because they could not see is that still funny?
( i was in a hurry ti wright that last post before i went to class so it was a run on sentence sorry) Well yes the truck was made for my brother Jeramy Schmitt who passed away in 05 and the truck is in tribute to him and his life.And unbroken i hope that you are not trying to insult him or my truck that is something that i take extremely serious and i ask that you don't do that please! ( and if your not i am sorry for calling you out on it) well roachie ya i do think that smoke is cool and i don't mine it but you better be ready to get it in return lol!! and i don't think hitting a tree is likely to happen when your in town but trust me i know that harm to another human being inst fun and i would hope that , that would never happen to anyone
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What Unbroken is saying is: Acting like an ass hole in a truck that was built to honor the life of your brother tarnishes that memory. Don't be a douche bag, and the folks here will not treat you like one. If you don't like it, I invite you to remove yourself from this website. We actually like diesel performance, not diesel performers. Quit dicking it up for the rest of us. Yes, your actions eventually effect all of us.
i was not insulting unbroken i was just saying i didn't understand what he was saying! and my truck honors his every memory and having a good time and doing what he loved the most...witch was the diesel smoke and dont tell me i am insulting or making an ass out of my self when blowing smoke at people my memories about my bother are my memories and i would have to say that he would enjoy the fact that i am blowing smoke at people because thats what he did love the most. and let me make my self clear this truck is not just a truck that blows smoke i drag race this truck every Tuesday at the street legal drags with this truck and i have pulled with it at truck pulls and my dad and i have done extensive motor work on the truck to make it perform just like ever one elses trucks do! i am not acting like a douche bag i am just stating my opinion on the current situation. and everyone commenting on my posts does not offend me at all and i am not making a big deal out of this everyone else is.. i was just answering everyone's questions in my previous post so i don't know were you are getting that i am acting like a douche bag
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I am young at 22, this fellar makes ME look bad for being near my age.

My smoke is fairly weak, but i keep it to back roads, or unoccupied roadways for video'n .

i do not black out intersections on purpose. it does happen though, YES i have smoked out people that aggrivate me. . .

this fellar has alot to learn in his days. . . i think he should be awarded the HOMO award though. . .
i was not insulting unbroken i was just saying i didn't understand what he was saying! and my truck honors his every memory and having a good time and doing what he loved the most...witch was the diesel smoke and dont tell me i am insulting or making an ass out of my self when blowing smoke at people my memories about my bother are my memories and i would have to say that he would enjoy the fact that i am blowing smoke at people because thats what he did love the most. and let me make my self clear this truck is not just a truck that blows smoke i drag race this truck every Tuesday at the street legal drags with this truck and i have pulled with it at truck pulls and my dad and i have done extensive motor work on the truck to make it perform just like ever one elses trucks do! i am not acting like a douche bag i am just stating my opinion on the current situation. and everyone commenting on my posts does not offend me at all and i am not making a big deal out of this everyone else is.. i was just answering everyone's questions in my previous post so i don't know were you are getting that i am acting like a douche bag

Please, proper use of writing tools like punctuation and capitalization can go along way. No one expects perfection, but I do not even want to read your posts because I get headaches trying to separate one thought from the next.
Heres what it boils down to...your admitedly smoking out everyone in sight looks bad on all of us in the diesel community. We would like to promote and grow the sport while people like you are detrimental to those efforts.
You need look no further than the title of our site to know what we're all about. We don't like children that don't care about the future of the sport bragging about screwing it up for the rest of us.
I commend you on hitting the drag races and pulls...but pretty much everyone here will condemn you for your childish bullsh!t on the street.
You may not want to grow up and see the reality of the harm you're causing...but bragging about it here ain't gonna make you many friends.
Wow. No wonder I read the video threads so infrequently.

Exactly. But, what it can do is show some of the younger enthusiasts that it isn't about smoke and it isn't welcome anymore. That's how I was turned around.


We were on him for videoing it, thinking we were gonna think he was cool, posting it, and then getting belligerent when he was called out on it.

The mature thing to do is admit to a mistake, and move on. Not justify it (with idiotic, immature reasons) and insult, and attack those that point out a less than brilliant idea.

Yes, but maturity and respect is a lesson both sides of this fence could benefit from.

You people are getting way to worked up about this. Find something better to do, like grab a beer - or sleep with a woman. Why the hell are you all so worried about type-yelling at people. The kid got the point - how about another 200 people type-yell just to make sure though. Type-yelling is pretty cool. One of the mods should just close this dumb A** thread.

Love the suggestion in bold, 2nd it. Picking out the perfect padlock special for this.

I nominate that as the longest run-on sentence I have seen in a while.:bang

I know that people get kind of worked up on here, but please take others into consideration when posting. We love following the ongoing saga in these threads, but sometimes just reading through some of the posts gets a bit tiresome. Just separate complete thoughts and arguments, that way the rest of us can skip to the good parts.:poke:

Just a few thoughts, ya'll hear me out. I'll try and make it brief.

The Big Big(er) Picture.

This change the diesel manufacturers and performance leaders have adopted in regard to smoke is relatively new. Not that long ago it was, in fact, cool. Very likely, the smokey exploits of folks tenured in diesel performance before this shift in opinion largely contributed to this new generation of enthusiasts having the appreciation for smoke that they do; some of them are posting with contempt and disrespect in this very thread.

I myself can remember before I ever owned a diesel, being awestruck as a tricked out pickup took off and vanished rapidly in a cloud of smoke. Dude up and pulled a Kizer Sozay(sp?): Like that "poof" he was gone.

Experience in our hobby has allowed many of us to see the folly of our ways and change. This change is important now more than ever with energy, the environment, and emissions becoming pop topics of the masses.

The big picture is important and the new enthusiasts need to grasp that. BUT, name calling and disrespect won't do anything but offend. This puts people on the defensive and isn't productive. Each of you think back to your younger years. Remember how you responded in situations of conflict especially when personal aspects are brought to bear? Most of us being the competitive individuals we are simply 'bowed up' regardless if we were right or wrong. We were out to prove something, even if it just meant we were men who could defend ourselves and take up a fight. It involves pride. There's a better way to go about this.

I didn't watch the vid. I don't need to. I've seen many like it before. Was it stupid? Probably. It sounds as if it was at times dangerous to people who played starring roles without their knowledge or consent. Not cool, what if you were to find yourself endangered or threatened by anothers idea of a good time?

I digress. It's all been said before.

To the rest of Comp D: You guys that know better in regards to smoke, should apply this knowledge to conduct; Myself at times included. The true enthusiasts of this sport that have attained knowledge of the bigger picture are de facto ambassadors to this cause. The duty we have is to (pay attention to word choice here) persuade people to attain similar knowledge and views. That is not going to be successful when your argument begins with "Listen, douche bag..." Success depends on how you conduct yourself: Mutual respect is a crucial element of debate and eventual persuasion.

You want to persuade or just b!tch, insult, and banter on an internet forum? Makes no never mind to me, with a few rules we've got places for both here. I'd like this guy and folks like him to see the bigger picture before we run them off or are forced to ban them.

I'm gonna go shave my head and put on my orange robe now. So much for brief. :doh:
Heres what it boils down to...your admitedly smoking out everyone in sight looks bad on all of us in the diesel community. We would like to promote and grow the sport while people like you are detrimental to those efforts.
You need look no further than the title of our site to know what we're all about. We don't like children that don't care about the future of the sport bragging about screwing it up for the rest of us.
I commend you on hitting the drag races and pulls...but pretty much everyone here will condemn you for your childish bullsh!t on the street.
You may not want to grow up and see the reality of the harm you're causing...but bragging about it here ain't gonna make you many friends.

i am not saying this to be rude at all but in all reality young people like me are the future of this sport. It may just be the fact that i am a teenager that i am getting all the harsh responses, but i know for a fact that everyone has blown smoke at people on the road everyone has done it weather it is in anger or just plain fun and that's all i am getting at. I know to you all it looks like i am just a stupid kid with to much money but i happen to be responsible, this truck does not get driven everyday but its not a trailer queen, and ya when i take it out i drive it like a stole it. i am in college so my dad makes me put fuel in it so its like every blue moon i take this truck out! and thats when i blow smoke at people. i dont do it everyday. and thats were i am going to leave this at i am not going to post anything else other than that and you can say what you want about me being childish and ect ect.. but thats fine cuz i dont really care about what you think of me or what i do with me own stuff in my own time thank you all! GOD BLESS
I guess you can't reason with everyone :doh:

I think I'll go out tonight and do whatever I want...since my actions have no bearing on anyone else.
Maybe I'll rob a bank....or run over some pedestrian...because by your reasoning as long as I'm having fun then that's all that matters.

I agree with one point you made. Young people are the future of this sport. Hopefully most of them aren't as blind to the harm their actions cause as you are.

Have a good day.....go smoke somebody out....I hope it's a pissed off cop or something.

So I hear your truck is a "dedication truck" I can see it now, on your back glass it probably says something like "in loving memory of ....." or something similar, which is A ok by me, till some one rides up on your rear to see if they knew the person (I do this alot) and you think there a tailgater so you give them the smoke treatment . then they get all upset for they feel they have not done anything wrong, AND they prob knew ya. I'd bet money this has happend before.

Have a good day.....go smoke somebody out....I hope it's a pissed off cop or something.

I concur. . . .
i am not saying this to be rude at all but in all reality young people like me are the future of this sport. It may just be the fact that i am a teenager that i am getting all the harsh responses, but i know for a fact that everyone has blown smoke at people on the road everyone has done it weather it is in anger or just plain fun and that's all i am getting at. I know to you all it looks like i am just a stupid kid with to much money but i happen to be responsible, this truck does not get driven everyday but its not a trailer queen, and ya when i take it out i drive it like a stole it. i am in college so my dad makes me put fuel in it so its like every blue moon i take this truck out! and thats when i blow smoke at people. i dont do it everyday. and thats were i am going to leave this at i am not going to post anything else other than that and you can say what you want about me being childish and ect ect.. but thats fine cuz i dont really care about what you think of me or what i do with me own stuff in my own time thank you all! GOD BLESS

i'm 18 and haven't smoked anyone out (unless they were tailgating for a long long time) since i was 16... i will blow smoke all over the place if i'm out with a couple friends and there is no one else in sight, but the second i see another car it's the end of that game
grow up
It seems to me that all of you self respected, politically correct, upstanding type might step back and think about your younger days.
I would just about bet that not a damn one of you has ever done anything others would consider stupid. Just because there was no internet in those days dosen't mean you weren't a douche' bag and maybe still are.
I'm sure nobody here has ever passed on a double yellow, texted while driving, drink and drive ( or fly), cheated on there wifes or girl friends, spanked there kids to hard, said things hurtful to someone, lied, drove to aggressivly, street raced, not returned extra money when to much change was given to them, cheated on your taxes, threw in some extra stuff that wasn't in your car after it was broken into for the insurance money, etc..
Being on comp d is like being in heaven with all the perfect son of a bit@#es.
Maybe all of the so called leaders of this site should go back to parenting classes because the way to get younger people to listen to you is NOT to call them names, Not humiliate them, NOT to belittle them. You should try to get you points across and give reasons why even if you have to explian yourself several times over and over. If the moderators of this site are NOT going to show restraint on name calling and being disrespectful to users on this site then you DO NOT need to be one. Your job is to MODERATE THE SITE and keep all the users from being douche' bags to each other and NOT being a DOUCH' BAG YOURSELF!!
As far as greenmeanie disrespecting his brother, very few if any posting here knew him so unless you did, don't bother disrepecting him with your lack of knowledge of knowing him!
As far as ruining this sport Greenmeanie has done alot for it like being the youngest pro-street driver at 17, advertising the sport to the young and old on street legal night at the track, being an advocate against street racing and having two trucks in two national diesel magazines. Being involved in several chairity events, one for his brother and another for Rileys children's hospital. So just because some of you forgot what it was like to be a teen ager and for those of us who are perfect I thank you for your time. I WILL NOT respond to this post unless you are a mod.
If any of the MODS take issue with this post please PM me and I will give you my cell no and we can talk about it like adults not post from a keyboard.
Tim Schmitt
It seems to me that all of you self respected, politically correct, upstanding type might step back and think about your younger days.
I would just about bet that not a damn one of you has ever done anything others would consider stupid. Just because there was no internet in those days dosen't mean you weren't a douche' bag and maybe still are.
I'm sure nobody here has ever passed on a double yellow, texted while driving, drink and drive ( or fly), cheated on there wifes or girl friends, spanked there kids to hard, said things hurtful to someone, lied, drove to aggressivly, street raced, not returned extra money when to much change was given to them, cheated on your taxes, threw in some extra stuff that wasn't in your car after it was broken into for the insurance money, etc..
Being on comp d is like being in heaven with all the perfect son of a bit@#es.
Maybe all of the so called leaders of this site should go back to parenting classes because the way to get younger people to listen to you is NOT to call them names, Not humiliate them, NOT to belittle them. You should try to get you points across and give reasons why even if you have to explian yourself several times over and over. If the moderators of this site are NOT going to show restraint on name calling and being disrespectful to users on this site then you DO NOT need to be one. Your job is to MODERATE THE SITE and keep all the users from being douche' bags to each other and NOT being a DOUCH' BAG YOURSELF!!
As far as greenmeanie disrespecting his brother, very few if any posting here knew him so unless you did, don't bother disrepecting him with your lack of knowledge of knowing him!
As far as ruining this sport Greenmeanie has done alot for it like being the youngest pro-street driver at 17, advertising the sport to the young and old on street legal night at the track, being an advocate against street racing and having two trucks in two national diesel magazines. Being involved in several chairity events, one for his brother and another for Rileys children's hospital. So just because some of you forgot what it was like to be a teen ager and for those of us who are perfect I thank you for your time. I WILL NOT respond to this post unless you are a mod.
If any of the MODS take issue with this post please PM me and I will give you my cell no and we can talk about it like adults not post from a keyboard.
Tim Schmitt

yes but these "teenagers" (which i am one so i have a BIG say in this argument) need to also respect the people who have been around the sport MUCH longer and have put more time, money, and sweat into it then they could ever imagine... being 18 i've learned a lot from... well... being ridiculed from time to time... i've also learned a lot by KEEPING MY MOUTH SHUT (hint to all you other teenagers out there) and listening to the guys who know what they're doing....
the fact that this thread is still going is a testament to how stubborn teenagers can be and how they don't listen to a ******* word any of their elders tell them.... take the advice of someone else your age and do these 3 things....
- listen to these guys, they know what they're talking about and have years of experience over us
- don't blow smoke all over the place, there's a reason 90% of america hates our trucks and why the EPA is trying its hardest to get rid of us as well as every other motor sport, BUT we ARE the biggest target...
- if one of these guys says something you disagree with then sure you have the right to say something back, but be respectful about it... you won't get any respect back if you don't earn it, and as young kids we HAVE to earn it, it's not something that's just given to us..
Heres what it boils down to...your admitedly smoking out everyone in sight looks bad on all of us in the diesel community. We would like to promote and grow the sport while people like you are detrimental to those efforts.
You need look no further than the title of our site to know what we're all about. We don't like children that don't care about the future of the sport bragging about screwing it up for the rest of us.
I commend you on hitting the drag races and pulls...but pretty much everyone here will condemn you for your childish bullsh!t on the street.
You may not want to grow up and see the reality of the harm you're causing...but bragging about it here ain't gonna make you many friends.

Admittedly I have not read but the last few pages...but I haven'tseen where any Mod called your buddy a douchebag. I did see a Mod ask everyone to NOT call him that.
If my posts seem harsh to you...then grow some thicker's the internet after all.

I really don't feel like going through your whole post line by line...but I have admitted before that I'm guilty of doing the very things we'd like to see changed now. Times either change with them or you hinder everyone that tries to.
People have different ways to persuade someone to change their ways...the harsh ways seem to get the most responses so most go there right off the is what it is I guess.

I do believe I commended your friend on his keeping his racing on the tracks...but don't think for one second that I'll give him props for doing stupid stuff on the streets. I think he's wrong for doing it and if nothing else if my response to him makes him think about what he's doing before he does it again...then I accomplished what I set out to do.

You list a ton of good things he's done/doing and that's GREAT....but do those good things mean he's earned the right to do the bad also ? If you're going to be an ambassador to have to practice what you preach.
Am I perfect ? Hell no...but I try to do better on a daily basis.
I actually feel kind of disgusted with myself if I overly smoke out a road these days....
You smoke blowing J.O's. are going to ruin the sport that most of us love.

Smoke me out one time and see what happens!!! You can bet it will be your last time!!!

Grow up. Act your age not your intelligence
yes but these "teenagers" (which i am one so i have a BIG say in this argument) need to also respect the people who have been around the sport MUCH longer and have put more time, money, and sweat into it then they could ever imagine... being 18 i've learned a lot from... well... being ridiculed from time to time... i've also learned a lot by KEEPING MY MOUTH SHUT (hint to all you other teenagers out there) and listening to the guys who know what they're doing....
the fact that this thread is still going is a testament to how stubborn teenagers can be and how they don't listen to a ******* word any of their elders tell them.... take the advice of someone else your age and do these 3 things....
- listen to these guys, they know what they're talking about and have years of experience over us
- don't blow smoke all over the place, there's a reason 90% of america hates our trucks and why the EPA is trying its hardest to get rid of us as well as every other motor sport, BUT we ARE the biggest target...
- if one of these guys says something you disagree with then sure you have the right to say something back, but be respectful about it... you won't get any respect back if you don't earn it, and as young kids we HAVE to earn it, it's not something that's just given to us..

:clap: Very well said. Being 18 also Ive learned so much just reading around on this site and learned how to tune my truck to make CLEAN and little bit more skip in its step. I go through so much arguing with some of my friends around here. All they want to do it make their truck a "dumper" as they call it. I get sick of being put in the ignorant young kid blowing smoke when someone meets me and I'm this young. Just hope my hobby can stay around without getting shutdown.
It seems to me that all of you self respected, politically correct, upstanding type might step back and think about your younger days.
I would just about bet that not a damn one of you has ever done anything others would consider stupid. Just because there was no internet in those days dosen't mean you weren't a douche' bag and maybe still are.
I'm sure nobody here has ever passed on a double yellow, texted while driving, drink and drive ( or fly), cheated on there wifes or girl friends, spanked there kids to hard, said things hurtful to someone, lied, drove to aggressivly, street raced, not returned extra money when to much change was given to them, cheated on your taxes, threw in some extra stuff that wasn't in your car after it was broken into for the insurance money, etc..
Being on comp d is like being in heaven with all the perfect son of a bit@#es.
Maybe all of the so called leaders of this site should go back to parenting classes because the way to get younger people to listen to you is NOT to call them names, Not humiliate them, NOT to belittle them. You should try to get you points across and give reasons why even if you have to explian yourself several times over and over. If the moderators of this site are NOT going to show restraint on name calling and being disrespectful to users on this site then you DO NOT need to be one. Your job is to MODERATE THE SITE and keep all the users from being douche' bags to each other and NOT being a DOUCH' BAG YOURSELF!!
As far as greenmeanie disrespecting his brother, very few if any posting here knew him so unless you did, don't bother disrepecting him with your lack of knowledge of knowing him!
As far as ruining this sport Greenmeanie has done alot for it like being the youngest pro-street driver at 17, advertising the sport to the young and old on street legal night at the track, being an advocate against street racing and having two trucks in two national diesel magazines. Being involved in several chairity events, one for his brother and another for Rileys children's hospital. So just because some of you forgot what it was like to be a teen ager and for those of us who are perfect I thank you for your time. I WILL NOT respond to this post unless you are a mod.
If any of the MODS take issue with this post please PM me and I will give you my cell no and we can talk about it like adults not post from a keyboard.
Tim Schmitt

Tim, I believe it is me that you might be refering to as the offending Moderator. If you will read my post, you will see that I did not call your young friend a douche bag, nor did I call him anything derogatory. Very simply I pointed out that smoking out an unsuspecting old lady on a street corner is acting like a douche bag, Hence, "don't act like a douche bag, and people will not treat you like one" Unless I am wrong, I see little humor in that. If it were my mother or grandmother, there would be a problem, and it would be dealt with straight forth in a professional, manner. Now lets say its not someone like me and that someone beats dimples into his tribute truck making it look like a golf ball because they think it is "fun" is that worth it? Is your causing a major accident on a freeway from "having fun" worth injuring someone, or possibly worse? If that's my wife, or my son in that car, again there will be problems, yet, I am a rational law abiding citizen. What are you planning to do when that individual is a nut ball, and decides your fun had at his expense, (Loss), is worth putting a bullet between his eyes. Are these scenarios far fetched, are they extreme? Maybe, but tell me it couldn't happen. Would that be ok with you Tim, because he is a "Good Person", and Advocate against street racing, and because you think its OK, he's just a kid having a little fun?

I don't care if he is Mother Theresa of Calcutta, Ghandi and John force's love child. The fact of the matter is, his actions are not only childish, but could be dangerous, and like it or not, his actions are the same actions that someone who is a "Douche bag" would find appropriate. I have not even touched upon what ignorant people such as he, (Note, calling him ignorant is not deragatory), are doing to the sport that myself and so many others love, each and every time they smoke someone out for fun. You know those things that come around every so often called Ballots? Initiatives, and clean air acts that people vote on? When the folks go to vote on the initiative, (and it is coming), is on the ballot to clean up diesel smoke, how do you think that person that was at the receiving end of meanies "fun" is going to vote?

Tim, I am nearly 40 years of age, and have done many foolish things in my life, (Drinking and flying is not one of them, if that comment was directed towards me), many of them I regret. Saying that your friend is acting like a douche bag when he finds great pleasure smoking out some unsuspecting pedestrian at a stop light is not one of those regrets. It is in fact a statement from someone who has a vested interest in showing that while the positives (him having "fun") are few, the negatives, and the consequences can be many. Now if you would like to continue this conversation, feel free to PM me at any time, and you can do your best to persuade me that his youth, public service, and accomplishments in any way justify his actions.

Tim, I believe it is me that you might be refering to as the offending Moderator. If you will read my post, you will see that I did not call your young friend a douche bag, nor did I call him anything derogatory. Very simply I pointed out that smoking out an unsuspecting old lady on a street corner is acting like a douche bag, Hence, "don't act like a douche bag, and people will not treat you like one" Unless I am wrong, I see little humor in that. If it were my mother or grandmother, there would be a problem, and it would be dealt with straight forth in a professional, manner. Now lets say its not someone like me and that someone beats dimples into his tribute truck making it look like a golf ball because they think it is "fun" is that worth it? Is your causing a major accident on a freeway from "having fun" worth injuring someone, or possibly worse? If that's my wife, or my son in that car, again there will be problems, yet, I am a rational law abiding citizen. What are you planning to do when that individual is a nut ball, and decides your fun had at his expense, (Loss), is worth putting a bullet between his eyes. Are these scenarios far fetched, are they extreme? Maybe, but tell me it couldn't happen. Would that be ok with you Tim, because he is a "Good Person", and Advocate against street racing, and because you think its OK, he's just a kid having a little fun?

I don't care if he is Mother Theresa of Calcutta, Ghandi and John force's love child. The fact of the matter is, his actions are not only childish, but could be dangerous, and like it or not, his actions are the same actions that someone who is a "Douche bag" would find appropriate. I have not even touched upon what ignorant people such as he, (Note, calling him ignorant is not deragatory), are doing to the sport that myself and so many others love, each and every time they smoke someone out for fun. You know those things that come around every so often called Ballots? Initiatives, and clean air acts that people vote on? When the folks go to vote on the initiative, (and it is coming), is on the ballot to clean up diesel smoke, how do you think that person that was at the receiving end of meanies "fun" is going to vote?

Tim, I am nearly 40 years of age, and have done many foolish things in my life, (Drinking and flying is not one of them, if that comment was directed towards me), many of them I regret. Saying that your friend is acting like a douche bag when he finds great pleasure smoking out some unsuspecting pedestrian at a stop light is not one of those regrets. It is in fact a statement from someone who has a vested interest in showing that while the positives (him having "fun") are few, the negatives, and the consequences can be many. Now if you would like to continue this conversation, feel free to PM me at any time, and you can do your best to persuade me that his youth, public service, and accomplishments in any way justify his actions.


:clap: Very good post