13mm p pumps

I just had some asshole named Alex build my 13mm Pump.

Going to refer to him as Alex in the third person, because if you have ever touched a 13mm plunger, you are forever referred to by your first name.

To add to Zach's list

#11, Alex dropped a piece of pepperoni pizza in the governor weights of my super lightning dragon monster flow pump and ill be damned if it cant spin 40" duallys at 90mph, #yolo.
#6 "I don't have a 13mm pump, but I am a bada$$ and I brag about my competition street engines, did I mention I am a bada$$, Zacypoo why do you even post :soap: I dodn't want to pass along any real information because I don't really do anything but I want to sidetrack anybody really trying to help others, but did I mention I am a bada$$.

"My name is Zac Hamilton. Before I designed the worlds greatest diesel camshafts, I sold computers for Dell in Houston. In a couple short years after robbing all of what I think I know from others, I feel as though I can preach to others about honesty."

You get emotional on the phone to me about how I intentionally run down your business. I think your doing that just fine on your own. I wont take credit for it. Then you come on here and act like you are gods gift to the ppump world. Tell me zac, how many pumps have you BUILT? Not turned up; not designed parts for. How many have you tore down and rebuilt yourself from a body? I can say ive built a few 13mm pumps with great results and people to prove it. Can You?
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Not once did Zach do anything on this thread but provide good unbiased information....
"My name is Zac Hamilton. Before I designed the worlds greatest diesel camshafts, I sold computers for Dell in Houston. In a couple short years after robbing all of what I think I know from others, I feel as though I can preach to others about honesty."

You get emotional on the phone to me about how I intentionally run down your business. I think your doing that just fine on your own. I wont take credit for it. Then you come on here and act like you are gods gift to the ppump world. Tell me zac, how many pumps have you BUILT? Not turned up; not designed parts for. How many have you tore down and rebuilt yourself from a body? I can say ive built a few 13mm pumps with great results and people to prove it. Can You?

You forgot to mention that I rape puppies and butterflies, and that I helped Al-Qaeda perfect their camel bombs. Of course I stole that design from a competitor, it was not my design. I admit that. I am a plagerist of the worst sort. I also pop pimples with my protractor and like the smell of my own excrement. I have never done anything on my own and I do not deserve to be on competition diesel in your presence. Please feel free to add anything to the long list of my flaws. I'm sure you have a list laying around somewhere of everything I have done wrong. Don't worry if it's not true, post it up anyway. Never let things like facts get in the way of a good mud-slinging thread!

I have never, and most likely will never build a p-pump. You got me on that one. I think it is sad that I threaten you so much by posting data. Why does that threaten you? I would think a person that has built so many pumps, that knows so many cool cats, and that has a Grandpa that works on heads with great results, would be a little bit more self confident than you.

Ryan, I hope you have a good day. If you are at TS, I will buy you a beer and let you tell me the rest of the really rotten things I have done.
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Dang Zach.
If you have free time let me send you some dyno graphs to look at and tell me how to make them better. I won't buy you a beer, but i can send cash.

As always Ron, I am at your service.

Ryan, I think it will be sad that in 50 or 60 years, researchers will be looking up the oddity that is forums, and will find this thread. Is this really the legacy you want to leave to posterity? Do you want this trash to be what you leave behind? Chillax man. I know you can build a p-pump, I know you are a badass. You don't need to remind me that you are the Alpha male. Let's stop this before I find you trying to mark my tires at TS. Let's bow out and let this thread get back to some form of a discussion on p-pumps. Or you can muck it up a bit more. You know there is always room on the CompD servers for trash.
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Your good man, you don't need to apologize to everyone on the Internet. I would quote your response on the previous page but it would take up half of our current page, hah.

I'm interestedto seek how that pump Alex cobbled together will run! :)
Your good man, you don't need to apologize to everyone on the Internet. I would quote your response on the previous page but it would take up half of our current page, hah.

I'm interestedto seek how that pump Alex cobbled together will run! :)

your tellin me!