7 second Duramax??

Anytime 7s and prostreet are used in the same sentence expect a comment.
Big huge oversized turbo bolted on a engine that takes a week to spool up...lol

It's gotten way better over the years. To be considered a drag engine it should spool and stage in less than 5 seconds. Especially since auto start is 7 seconds.

It used to be real bad, guys would start spooling way before the pre stage, and tale 15-20 seconds to get going .

Typically the joke was "it's a puller engine" because they took their good Ole time as if it was in front of a sled.

Got 'em on the big end though.
Just so everyone knows that guy has a shop about an hour from me, does horrible work and hasn't ever built anything that runs good. Id be highly surprised if it runs 9's. Terrible work and business comes out of there. Should be a good truck to watch....