71 mm from II


New member
Aug 6, 2010
I have been putting my engine build list together for a while now, I have noticed that II just put this turbo on the market.
I was wondering if anyone is running this on the street, what rpm the turbo lights at, really just how it drives. I will be putting the turbo on a p-pumped 24v with an automatic if that helps. If you need more details of the build I am planning just ask
Are you talking about the phat shaft 71 or the silver 71/74? If the phat shaft I ran one I really liked it.I wish I would have kept it.It was no worse than a silver bullet to drive on the street.
I ran a 74 s400. Spooled ok. I have a s400 80mm and I kick it with a touch of spray on the line to get it lit.
I was thinking the phat shaft 71(I really want the polished comp. houseing as well),with the .91 or the 1.10 non wastegated turbo. To take care of drive pressure I wanted to run an external waste gate off of the manifold.
the phat shaft is (from what i have been told) is sensitive to overspeeding, with lots of fuel on tap i would gate it..

i love mine!
Isnt it just a k31 turbo? Or are they putting a 71mm on a s300 frame?
Phat Shaft 71 = K31 Based

Silver 71 = Silver Bullet With A 71 Wheel S300 Base
i was told they change some stuff in the guts of a k31 to beef it up, but i got mine used from a friend for too good of a price to pass up!
I had a Phat Shaft 71, it was "ok" to say the least, Im running an E.D s400 now and it out flows the k31 by far and i dont have to worry about the overspeeding issue of the k31. They change the shaft and wheel but I definitely was NOT impressed. My 469 out flows it by far.
i have a hard time comparing turbos, as i have a manual trans. i was driving around with a SB66 for days with stock injectors and just a smarty. i also have a cam to aid in moving air...
a 466 or 468 is a blast with a manual, but with stock injectors might not be much fun. But with a cam who knows probably just as fun. But I cant say because I havent tried it for myself. But in my experience a 468 flows WAY more than the Phat Shaft 71 and would be much more fun to drive even with a manual. Were running a 468 from ED on a 12v with 5x.016s non benched pump, and a 10plate, manual trans and its pretty damn fun! Spools MUCH MUCH better than his Sb66 did.
I have seen a bad experiance with an ED S468 well and an ED S480 for that matter as well. My out of the box turbo was a better turbo than the ED S468 and it was run on the same truck. Glad I got rid of the ED stuff. If I was spending the money like it costs for an ED turbo, I'd go back to Bell turbo in a heartbeat. Best turbo's I've had were from Bell.
Interesting..... well how bout some feedback on "why" they were "junk"? not just saying they were bad, give us some reasons. Ive got four trucks running ED turbos and pushing them way harder than they should be and weve never had a problem. So im curious as to why you had such "bad luck"?
I don't know I've seen an s468 I bought from NickTF not perform the way I expected it would. Then I have a friend with an s480 had maybe 5 pulls on it and sat in the shop the rest of the time. Well lets say it almost was a big problem I'll post a video. Then I really don't care for their customer service.

Iphone101.mp4 video by dieselbulldog10 - Photobucket
and let me get it straight it was nothing Nick did to the turbo that made it bad. We have talked about the turbo since. He is a great guy. I'd rather buy a 1000 box Borg than spend 1800 or 2000 grand on ED stuff that doesn't perform.
I don't know I've seen an s468 I bought from NickTF not perform the way I expected it would. Then I have a friend with an s480 had maybe 5 pulls on it and sat in the shop the rest of the time. Well lets say it almost was a big problem I'll post a video. Then I really don't care for their customer service.

Iphone101.mp4 video by dieselbulldog10 - Photobucket

Im not bein rude or condradicting your opinion, but what does that mean for the OP to compare to. Spool up? High Drives? Not enough boost? etc.
Spool up sucked. They charge money for at turbine housing that is nothing special. We put my 71 on the same truck and it was better than the s468 mind you the price difference was the S468 was originally over 1800 and the 71 was 1000.