The way I see it , this is a put up or shut up thing . From most of Comments so far sound's like your Assuming BEP will Have to Pay some $$$ out . You beat the BAT you get $$$$ . It doesn't get much more simple . Back to back same day same Dyno lots of Witnesses around. Doesn't get better than that . Single turbo for easy turbo change times it is a one day thing . Bullseye sales a turbo with there cover when you buy one . Power is power , it does or does not That's the test . The rules are clear . Its fun the talk smack and all ...........Now how many of you think you have a the ball bearings to play ?????????
I'm glad someone was able to comprehend and figure it out.
BEP makes all the parts they sell. Basically all that is used from a BW unit is the center. Come by the both at PRI and you can have all the trash that gets thrown out from those terrific BW turbos!