Extrude Hone and Flux?


Soot Sniffer
Apr 30, 2006
I have been debating this all winter in my head just need a little help on deciding.

I have an 06 cr with 14,XXX miles.Over the winter I have purchased-

ATS 2nd gen manifold
A5K turbo
Hamilton springs
Hamilton push rods
Opies by pass
Arp head studs
plan on dual cp3's with some tax money

as you can see I put a little dent in my pocketbook.I really would like to try some flux's 3.8 but not sure if I can swing it right now.So I have been doing some digging on Extrude Hone(we run them in our dmax with excellent results)

Since my injectors are fairly new would it be safe to say just replacing the nozzles would be a wise (economical)choice since the bodies really would not have to be gone through.

I did recently purchase some stock nozzles from an 06 with 12,xxx miles that I will probably send to Jim at EH(not sure what % maybe 60-75%) and keep mine stock for back up.


to be able to save money for other mods is ALWAYS good.
Mine has 12K as well -I decided to due the EH route-
As long as you have the time to send them out it is worth the $$$ saved.
I think if you go with Flux 3.8's they will be a bit much for that A5K unless you externally wastgate it, 3.3 would be about it for that charger!

Im gonna go with the EH injectors, if you call him ahead of time and schedule a time then you will get them back quicker! Call Jim up he is a great guy to talk with! Here is his # 724-978-7211

Plus if you know someone that wants their's done as well and can send them in with yours he gives pretty good discounts the more you send him!!!!!!! MORE MONEY SAVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rockwoot:
I heard through the grapevine that don is starting to just sell the tips and you don't have to send in your injectors.

Thanks inline6! Do you have any personal experience either way? I'm just looking for pros and cons if there are any.

thats all i have ever ran is dons injectors both on my VP and i am running some big fluxs in my drag truck. they are by far the cleanest running injector you can get , dont have to worry about getting a bad one i mean they are basically the cadilac of injectors. kinda why they are a little higher priced than some others but you get what you pay for. you can take a injector that made well over 1000hp on FUEL only and still drive the truck everyday. they work plain and simple. i am not bad mouthing the competition because i have not dealt with their injectors but the numbers speak for themselves. like mentioned, highest on FUEL and NITROUS. cant go wrong.
I ran a similar setup on my 06 without dual pumps and 3.3s and first time of the dyno made 676. last time was 642 with no tuning time at all if that tells you anything. I also had the same springs/pushrods
highest hp CR trucks in the country are running FLUX. highest on fuel only and highest with the juice.

I think the only reason for this is Don gave these guys different injectors over and over until they got what they wanted. Most people can't afford do that.

I've used EH for 2 yrs without issue.... racing or DD. Most of the time I'd agree that you get what you pay for but in EH's case.... you're getting a great deal for a excellent product
I think the only reason for this is Don gave these guys different injectors over and over until they got what they wanted. Most people can't afford do that.

I've used EH for 2 yrs without issue.... racing or DD. Most of the time I'd agree that you get what you pay for but in EH's case.... you're getting a great deal for a excellent product

:clap: Yup EH all the way...had good results with mine and Jim is a hell of a guy to deal with.
I think the only reason for this is Don gave these guys different injectors over and over until they got what they wanted. Most people can't afford do that.

I've used EH for 2 yrs without issue.... racing or DD. Most of the time I'd agree that you get what you pay for but in EH's case.... you're getting a great deal for a excellent product

i absolutely think you are dead wrong with that comment. Reb made 893hp with flux 3s way back in the day and those are what lots of people are running. nothing speacial about flux 5s which everyone can get and those made well over 1100hp. absoluetly we got some bigger sticks than that but like stated on Dons page, MOST people will not have the air to support them and we did at the time.

your telling me that DDP or EH or who ever else wont make you guys some custom injectors of any size you want? only reason Reb and Erick have made those numbers is because of countless hours of tunning. like i said you get what you pay for and i believe Dons sticks are by far the BEST on the market.
i absolutely think you are dead wrong with that comment. Reb made 893hp with flux 3s way back in the day and those are what lots of people are running. nothing speacial about flux 5s which everyone can get and those made well over 1100hp. absoluetly we got some bigger sticks than that but like stated on Dons page, MOST people will not have the air to support them and we did at the time.

your telling me that DDP or EH or who ever else wont make you guys some custom injectors of any size you want? only reason Reb and Erick have made those numbers is because of countless hours of tunning. like i said you get what you pay for and i believe Dons sticks are by far the BEST on the market.

I didn't say others couldn't get bigger injectors. I said Don " gave " those guys several different sets to try until the power levels were reached. You can get custom tips made by most everyone... if you have the money. Selling Dons injectors by saying his injectors made the most hp anyone has is BS. You also forgot to mention IIRC... there was 50lbs of ice or more used to make those numbers with 5 second runs on a dyno

Believe it or not.... there are other quality products to use other than Flux. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with them... I am saying however, there are others available that can and will do the same thing.
Gave us several different injectors for us to try..... Yeah.... no... Sorry to burst your bubble on that one, Ty. Mine still made huge power without ice in the intercooler. The flux 5's that made 1K have been around for along time. I had 2 sets in injectors in the truck, 5's for the 1K and bigger for the 1,138 runs. The bigger ones i stole out of my brothers truck. The 5's were in the truck at the start of build over a year ago. I didn't play musical injectors to tune in the truck. I started the build with the goal of 1K on fuel only. It me 2 months to do the calcs and figure out how to do it with no smoke. Pius and I talked on the phone so much to get the turbos correct. Don had it pretty much figured out on how much fuel would do it. Those were traded for my old injectors with my brother.

The truck was not only for 5 second runs on the dyno. It went down the track also.... Again, sorry to burst your bubble on that one also.....
I think the only reason for this is Don gave these guys different injectors over and over until they got what they wanted. Most people can't afford do that.

I've used EH for 2 yrs without issue.... racing or DD. Most of the time I'd agree that you get what you pay for but in EH's case.... you're getting a great deal for a excellent product

Believe it or not.... there are other quality products to use other than Flux. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with them... I am saying however, there are others available that can and will do the same thing.

x2 I love my E.H. best bang for the buck besides my smarty:rockwoot:

I also agree people think the Flux is the end all of injectors, which yes they are good, but there is owning wrong with the others. One thing Ive always wondered is if people like Reb Brown, Barber, or Mills have tried running massive stixs from DDP, II, or Wicked and seen what type of hp they'd make.
I didn't say others couldn't get bigger injectors. I said Don " gave " those guys several different sets to try until the power levels were reached. You can get custom tips made by most everyone... if you have the money. Selling Dons injectors by saying his injectors made the most hp anyone has is BS. You also forgot to mention IIRC... there was 50lbs of ice or more used to make those numbers with 5 second runs on a dyno

Believe it or not.... there are other quality products to use other than Flux. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with them... I am saying however, there are others available that can and will do the same thing.

i can assure you the injectors were not just given. if what you say was true then the 1289hp number would have happened what 4 to 5 years ago. you say the comment about ice, your absolutely right on that. anyone can go out and buy a water to air cooler and do the same thing and most anyone can go to the gas station and get a bag of ice. what about the nitrous numbers we have made with dons injectors. are those numbers BS to because of the juice? cant blame Erick for having the highest FUEL only number and have the RIGHT setup to go with it. you call BS on the HP numbers but the numbers speaks for itself. bottom line is Dons injectors have made the highest number on a CR on fuel only or on the juice.