injectors what the *#@

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I can't watch it. It is too painful. In the time the guy with the hamster wedged in his nose got his filter out of the package I'd have already had the sob done. LOL

Note: I can outrun a pissed off weight lifter. $.02 Especially one who's username it Mike but claims to be Joey.

:hehe: :hehe: :hehe:
No wasnt me I didnt post it. said bring your trucks down to a pull.we will send you the little ones might want to stay home.
I'm glad you quoted me...because no where in my post does it say YOU posted that. I was merely stating that you called us "retards" and "kids" but I was saying OUR website isn't the one that needs videos like that one.

I don't need to bring a truck anywhere to prove anything and I dang sure ain't gonna leave my two little kids home due to a recommendation. Edit: O, I re-read, it say "you" little ones, not "your" little ones. Either way, this is dumb.

Wow. You guys hooked a live one here. I'd say cut the line.
all i learned from that is that you're slow as fawk.

X1000. If I had a dollar for every bodybuilder-type that I've seen get knocked the phuck out by a scrappy little trailer park kid, I probably wouldn't drive a Dodge anymore.
I'm glad you quoted me...because no where in my post does it say YOU posted that. I was merely stating that you called us "retards" and "kids" but I was saying OUR website isn't the one that needs videos like that one.

I don't need to bring a truck anywhere to prove anything and I dang sure ain't gonna leave my two little kids home due to a recommendation. Edit: O, I re-read, it say "you" little ones, not "your" little ones. Either way, this is dumb.

sorry, my bad typeo
you guys mad yet,if your not you will be

Mad because of what, "You can't make any HP".... Everyone here is getting
a good laugh out of you. CompD entertainment...... Hopefully only a little while longer.....
Someone should run the IP and make sure it doesnt come back to that dumbphuck Curtis Holmes...
I havent been here that long, nor do i have that many posts, but i have payed enough attention to know that this is alot like bullschidting with you're friends. Every group has that one guy that can't take a joke and gets all pissed off and you sir are that guy. The only difference is that in person that guy is smart enough to know when to walk away when he has burnt a bridge and you're not. One more thing, youre not going to scare anyone around here by telling us how "big and bad" you are, because even if you are i can assure you that there are more of us than there are of you.
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I smell a bus load of butt hurt...

Speaking of which . . . . (I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes) .. .

Have all affected filled out one of these forms? It's standard procedure in such cases I believe.

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you girls hang out so much you get the rag about the same time of the month?:lolly:
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