Letter to EPA from ATS

Just when I find a company to get a torque converter this happens...

Guess I gotta call BTS.

Don't bash companys because you know only people who like there warranty really give a **** about emissions equipment.

If the DPF delete did not void my fathers warranty we would have done it by now.
I heard about this a few days ago, from what I understand they listed more than just PDI, don't know exactly who but I was told it was "a list of companies doing DPF delete kits." For now :pop: :pop: :pop:
Yea its on dtr now. I know larry will ban him and delete it. Heck i might get banned too for my comment. LOL
Well, it looks like Comp's 15 minutes of fame is finally up.


Welcome ATS!

What he said! :pop:

If ATS did write such letter, then they ought to be ashamed of themselves. This is still a relatively new industry, and is a small (but growing) niche of the performance automotive market. The manufactures of these products really need to stand together as "the" diesel market, and not stab each other in the back. Just my $.02
115 :D

Somebody open a paypal account up for donations.. Then when it hit's 5000.00 we'll ante up for a 2 page ad next to theirs in DP with the letter in it ;) That would work well.....

Hope it isn't true but it wouldn't suprise me.
Has anyone from ATS chimmed in anywhere? With all this bashing you would think that they would try to defend themselves.