Letter to EPA from ATS

If you really put some thought into this, who would benefit from making something like this up?? I mean really. Do you think PDI just decided to throw themselves in the deepfryer with the EPA to try and make ATS look bad? (While they are making tons of money already) And outside the EPA, do you have any idea what kind of legal trouble a company like PDI or anyone else for that matter would be in for posting something that wasn't fact. Somebody would have to have some pretty big cajones to pull something like that off.

The way I look at it, ATS has absolutely no other choice but to deny ever writing it. What I'm waiting for is how bad the BS is going to smell tomorrow when they try to come up with something to cover it up.
H&S response to this letter:

new to this forum but here is what I thought you might find interesting from over @ cumminsforum

"First and foremost Clint Cannon, before you go to the trouble of writing an official letter to the government, you should do some fact-checking. There are flaws in many of your so-called "facts". A quick internet search will dis-prove some of these "facts". PDI, Inc has never held any stake or ownership in H&S Performance, LLC, hsperformance.net, or hs-performance.com. So please, do your homework first. Second of all, I'm not sure why you are so boldly touting that "ATS's profits are funding the 'majority' of the research for new DPF technology." Who else would you expect to? Taxpayers? Why should the rest of us pay for YOUR research so that YOU can make money in the end?! Do we get a cut of the profits when you sell it?! Also, you claim that current products are selling at very low profit margins. Is it not our right as Americans who live in a FREE capitalistic country to invent and sell products at whatever price we deem fair and marketable?
As for the issue pertaining to the legality of aftermarket products, if what you are calling for is true, EVERY aftermarket performance chip, performance module, cold air intake, exhaust system, etc would be illegal to make or sell. I will go even a step further. EVERY product EVER manufactured is illegal. The truck you drive is illegal because it can go faster than 75MPH. There are NO roads in the U.S. that allow you to drive faster than 75MPH but I assure you your pickup is capable of exceeding 75MPH. What about knives or guns? They are capable of helping you break the law, but they are still sold nationwide. The comparison I would like to make is with alcohol sales. You present proper ID, and you buy it. If you choose to use it to break the law that is your right. It is the same with aftermarket parts. You sign a form saying you are responsible for your actions, and it is sold to you. What you are saying is that we cannot make parts to fuel the racing spirit of competition that has been a part of American lives since the advent of the automobile. You sir are the one in the wrong here."
This is not the first time a letter of this kind has come from the ATS home.
Some of you may remember a while back there was another letter written to the NHRA requesting that any of the trucks that smoke not be allowed to participate in any NHRA events.

For any of you guys that have talked with Travis or Myself you know that we have said from the beginning that our goal is to have an EPA approved system for the 6.7 and have been in meetings with two companies over the past several months that build aftermarket after treatment system for the light duty trucks.

I would like to point out a few things about this letter

1. As you may or may not be aware, ATS Diesel has been working on certain emission technologies to better our niche in the diesel community. Currently, we’re funding and developing a very expensive Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) technology; this product will allow more efficient flow, resulting in better fuel mileage and lower emissions than today’s technology. ATS’ profits are funding the majority of this project’s development budget.

If your as far along enough in your testing to say it is better than anything in todays technology and the EPA may or may not know about your testing there is something seriously wrong with your approach if you want it approved by the EPA. This technology has cost the big three millions of dollars to develop and they had government funding so how are you going to fund it all on your own and then sell an efficient reasonably priced system that someone can afford?

2. As you’re aware, the main problem with DPF delete kits is this: for every illegal kit sold, research money is not invested into a real “fix” for the consumer’s problem. EPA has made it clear to the diesel manufacturing industry, in no uncertain terms, that DPF removal is illegal. However, at this time, EPA has been unable to enforce its regulations to get these illegal DPF delete kits off the street. When we spoke a few weeks ago, you mentioned that the EPA can only enforce so many of its regulations right now, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to track offenders (whether they be manufacturers, resellers, or end users).

I still cant get this part through my head
How is it that we are to blame for your slump in business and should we also send letters to the EPA for some of the things you have done on race applications that are not to be driven on the street.

Again ATS is not the only company pursuing an approved high flow design after treatment system for our trucks and we (BADP)plan to have both and as long we show that we have both solutions you can run the delete on your race truck and the emissions approved on your street truck.

Ats is not innocent when it comes to delete kits and race style products that are designed to be on the race track only. I personally know of one of their trucks that tested one of our kits so Clint you may want to clean that brown stuff off of your nose and quit acting like your not involved in this.

I just received Info that my company may have also been named in this or maybe a second letter and if it was MR Clint the fun has only just begun for you.

I want to make myself clear on the last part of this post this is not a threat to physically harm you I am simply saying that you are not the only one with money and lawyers.

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I want to make myself clear on the last part of this post this is not a threat to physically harm you I am simply saying that you are not the only one with money and lawyers.


This could be very interesting.... :stab:

There manifold already came off my truck. Might aswell throw it in the garbage no one will want it now lol
snitches! I new there was something funny about that company when I seen all them purple parts.:homo: ats wont see anymore of my money.
PDI..........Your back must really hurt.............After being thrown under the Bus like that! Shame on ATS Diesel.
did anyone read this from their site? it looks like something banks would put out.

"ATS Diesel and Diesel Emissions Technology have teamed up to release a fi ve inch -
high fl ow diesel particulate system for late model light duty diesel trucks. Until now truck
owners who desired increased performance from their trucks have succumb to issues of
reduced airfl ow and plugged particulate traps. The Gorilla Exhaust System line features
a modular particulate canister design that allows for different components to be used
together based on the application (D.P.F. & D.O.C.). If only particulate fi ltration is needed
the inside capture element will provide superior control while maintaining excellent air
volume. If further sound dampening is needed this can be added in-line on the canister
to quiet the exhaust.
High-Performance diesel no longer means that a truck must emit clouds of black smoke.
With the ‘ModuLink System’ truck owners can choose to maintain emissions compliance
while achieving the performance they strive for. ATS proves that being green doesn’t
mean that you can’t have an enjoyable hot rod truck!"
snitches! I new there was something funny about that company when I seen all them purple parts.:homo: ats wont see anymore of my money.

just think of what all the purple paint fumes are doing to the enviroment when theye could just leave the houseings aluiminum.
my thoughts of them is way off after i read this, but in all in all this is going to be what the diesel world is coming to with all the new reuglations and laws coming from your new president. The only people this would help is the ones still trying to get the most hp out of there new 6.7 while keeping the factory warranty. Now for there way about going to get this done i dont agree and am not happy about this. This is going to be just another company like banks that doesnt make any real hp for the money anymore and people will sooner or later turn there backs to like they all did to banks, they may sooner make a performace dpf kit but i feel it will hurt them in the long run.
deleted because above post was deleted.
"Face in toilet while being flushed"
"Underwear up the flag pole"
"ATS found in trash can"
"locker fumigated with fake fart smell"
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Dunce cap? How old are you? LOL

Something more current:

"Face in toilet while being flushed"
"Underwear up the flag pole"
"ATS found in trash can"
"locker fumigated with fake fart smell"

30 smart a$$!:hehe:

Hey give me a break man, I'm still on my first Dr. Pepper.