Mach 7(240HP) vs. Brand "x"

Just wondering how would a tip with 5 holes at .020 stack up against the big injectors you are talking about. Would these be to big for street use with a set of twins and the box turned off?
These are drilled injectors not edm. I think .020 is as small as they can go on the cnc machine I'll have to ask them. I've seen the spray pattern on them and it's really good. Do you think more holes smaller makes more power?
I'm wanting to put a set of twins on one of my 24 valve motors this summer and want to buy just one set of injectors instead of buying and selling all the time.
feelmecummin said:
smaller holes=better atomization.
i'd stay away from those 20's

I new a guy that went from a 5 hole to a 3 hole and he picked up 100HP on the dyno. It makes zero sense to me, but he swore by it. Part of the deal coudl be with the surface tension and the hole shape, the surface tension will cause the fuel to want to cling to the injector, so if it is shaped like a funnel already, it will even make it more prone to spreading out. I would have thought the smaller holes would ahve been better, but possibly in the performance world with the heat already in the cylinder the fuel will just burn!

I had a set of 8 hole .009 12V injectors and the 5 hole .014's I had definately ran better on the top end.
3 hole huh?? bet those were clean!!! LOL But that is some interesting information...i would have put my money with yours on that one.
5x.020 is a huge injector for a VP
A buddy of mine said he was watching a show on high speed camera technology and they had some of a diesel engine firing and the flame goes from the outside back up to the injector. I would have thought it would ignite as soon as it comes out of the injector or maybe ignite all at once.
I might be way off base (im sure i am) but wouldnt it kind of be like a 12v versus 24v. more flow versus higher psi. for some reason i dont think im getting this out right but thats kind of what im thinking. just a thought.

i was told i could get more power out of 7 hole inj instead of 8 hole. I was actuall wanting to send out my 8 hole 220's and stock 7 hole and have them matched to the same flow and see which one made the most power. i wouldnt mind trying some 5 holes

ive noticed on my truck when i have everythng on kill i barely get a haze out of it and when i hit the nitrous i only gained about 25 hp on the top end. but as its building up boost and where i have it set to inject the nitrous i can gain about 200hp when it injects. thats why i was thinking if i could get some bigger injectors or a little more unburnt fuel (volume) in the cylinders i would gain more out of the nitrous on the top end.
dieselbeef said:
are these somethn i could use...and what gains might i see //thanks

the injectors being discussed would flow enough fuel to make 200 HP MORE than the Cummins RV275 injector you are currently using.

with your current setup, it would run HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FireMed said:
I might be way off base (im sure i am) but wouldnt it kind of be like a 12v versus 24v. more flow versus higher psi. for some reason i dont think im getting this out right but thats kind of what im thinking. just a thought.

i was told i could get more power out of 7 hole inj instead of 8 hole. I was actuall wanting to send out my 8 hole 220's and stock 7 hole and have them matched to the same flow and see which one made the most power. i wouldnt mind trying some 5 holes

ive noticed on my truck when i have everythng on kill i barely get a haze out of it and when i hit the nitrous i only gained about 25 hp on the top end. but as its building up boost and where i have it set to inject the nitrous i can gain about 200hp when it injects. thats why i was thinking if i could get some bigger injectors or a little more unburnt fuel (volume) in the cylinders i would gain more out of the nitrous on the top end.

If this is a VP, you probably don't have enough fuel.