MIKE-HKS sold me bad injectors


Hookin is best
Sep 24, 2007
I bought 2 injectors off of Mike back in April. I knew i had a bad injector, and needed to replace one. Mike had a set for sale here and also was selling on CF. After receiving the 2 injectors, i had them sent to Industrail injection. Brady Williams from II called and told us the 2 injectors sent where non rebuildable. Plungers were scored!! Ok, that tells me there junk, right? Well after hearing this, i sent Mike a PM, explained what II had explained to us. This is what i got,
Quote from our PMs.


like i said before , the truck was running great it had no miss no issues and was a bone stock truck , they are used injectors , they where used injectors that worked perfect , none of the other 4 injectors had any issues and worked 100% ,one of them was even installed by a dodge dealer , and now 2 weeks later both of yours are bad ,??? , i didn't do business with industrial injection, i sold them to you , when you get them back read me the numbers on them , if they match my records i will give you a full refund ,
i made sure to write all the numbers of each injector sold to each person to avoid any funny business ,

So after 2 weeks of trying to figure out what i was goin to do with the set out of my truck, i get them all back in the mail. I think to myself, i dont want to get took. So i send him one of the serial # and told him i couldnt read the other, maybe my mistake, but i was trying to protect myself. The reason i said this was, i didnt want him to say no those arent the #s i have and case closed. So i figured he sends the #s I verify that its correct rather thin him tell me other wise. I send the bad injectors back to him. He refunds and case closed. I just want my money back! Now he says i took to long to get back with him after the first PM of them being bad. Said im tryin to pull one over on him, wtf!? His last Pm never said weather or not, the # I gave him was from his records? Just that im pulling one over on him or that II is pulling one over on me!!
On top of all this do you all really think that a Dodge Dealer would throw an injector in a truck that wasnt checked out? Plus, He said he was doin business with me not Industrial? Who in there right mind would put a injector in a truck without knowing they were good or not!?
I learned my lesson, I have friends on here, very close ones and i will never buy from someone I dont know again. Thanks Mike Peterssen!!!!
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Sorry to hear all of this. It always sucks when someone gets dealt a bad hand when buying or selling anything. Period.

That being said........

My buddy had a custom built 64mm turbo built by industrial for his truck. It ran good for the first 1000 miles with no more than 20-25 psi being pushed through it. So after the 1000 miles of easy driving, we go to the track and on his 1st (and only) pass, the turbo exploded. First time I've heard one in person, and wow. Right as he passed the the 60ft mark.

We tow the truck back to his house and take it apart, and he calls industrial. They tell him to box it back up and send it to them so they can check it out. After a few days, they call him and tell him the reason for it's failure was something came apart in his motor and went through the turbo, causing it to blow up. We inspected the engine and absolutely NOTHING was wrong. Started up and ran perfect. II would not warranty or refund his $ for the turbo. They sent him back a box full of the parts for his turbo and from the looks of it they were going to try and reuse some of the pieces, like the chewed up exhaust housing that has a lot of grinder marks in it now.

So it is because of this incident that I don't do business with II.

I am happy to say that he had Lenny at DDP build him his current 66mm turbo and we installed it on the truck and it runs perfect. Just made over 700hp on it last week.

I hope this situation is resolved for you soon. Good luck.

Thanks I hope so too, i have had alot of problems with my injectors as of late, but they were not II injectors, i just kinda figured with all there top of the line flow benches it would help me out in the long run, and thin this chit happened........
Quote from Mike Peterssen today:
One of the injectors was installed by the dealer , not purchased by the dealer , the owner of the truck bought it , and took it in to install , i think you pulled the easiest injector back out to send me the number, " note the 17 day delay ", and the other one is to far back and you dont want to go thru the trouble of pulling it out, and that's why you cant get it , your story doesn't add up , like i said before this is something for paypal to handle ...

I guess its goin to come down to something else here, You guys in Florida wana make some extra cash? Seems this POS thinks i have plenty of it so he can just rip me off.

I got flux tips not stockers, this dude just wont listen to reason, and i guess he has never pull any injectors, the easiest one? Hell there all easy to pull!
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The Silver 64 on my truck went bad shortly after it was installed, less than 50 miles. I cleaned it up and sent it in for warranty. They called me saying the unit was dry and never recieved any oil. I told them I flushed it out with carb cleaner before it was shipped so it wouldn't leak oil during shipping. They said that didn't matter and it would be $1000 to repair. Before the truck was started the turbo had almost 1 qt of oil poured into it. After it started I had a steady stream of oil coming out of the return line. This is the same way I've installed every turbo. They told me something must be wrong with the engine, but I could fill up a Gatorade bottle in seconds using the feed line. They wouldn't even listen to me stating the return was POURING oil out when it started so it must have had oil, the carb cleaner flushed it out. I checked oil flow again before I removed the turbo and there was plenty of oil going into and out of the turbo. I had a ton of oil in my down pipe as well. I had about 150 hours into my conversion and this was all I needed to get it on the road so I paid the $$. It was Christmas time and driving my truck was a gift to myself. The turbo has been on for about 10,000 miles after they repaired it so whatever was 'wrong' with my engine is not a problem anymore. I will not be doing anymore buisness with Industrial Injection.
I know of alot of people that will put used injectors in there truck without having them sent out.

Most likly they did come out of a running truck, that may have run just fine.

Unless I missed something about the seller haveing all of the injectors sent out and tested and all good. You bought used injectors.....

I have nothing against II, I run there turbo. But I rarely see an injector tested there that hasn't come back as bad.
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X2 the truck the used injectors came out of probably did run fine.

How many send Don their injectors out of a truck that was running perfect to find out that they all need rebuilt.

Moral of the story don't buy used injectors.
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You know what thats fine if II told me that there bad, But im offering to send them back! All i need is him to verify the serial #s, but he was been relentless to do so. If he could verify this, i would send one back in exchange for half the money, thin, ill send him the other for the other half of the payment. Thats pretty simple way of doin it if you ask me. He gets what he wants back and i do too.
X2 the truck the used injectors came out of probably did run fine.

How many send Don their injectors out of a truck that was running perfect to find out that they all need rebuilt.

Moral of the story don't buy used injectors.


Dang near every set of injectors I have tested, fail. But most of my customers just want the truck running again as cheap as possible, so they ask me to replace the worst one/s.

Why not just put them in, and see how it runs? The time/money you wasted sending them off and having them tested, you could have probably just installed new ones... I do agree he should get back with you on the serial numbers though.

But like you said, you learned your lesson, sometimes thats what it takes.

always remember "you never have enough to do it right, but always enough to do it twice".
The Silver 64 on my truck went bad shortly after it was installed, less than 50 miles. I cleaned it up and sent it in for warranty. They called me saying the unit was dry and never recieved any oil. I told them I flushed it out with carb cleaner before it was shipped so it wouldn't leak oil during shipping. They said that didn't matter and it would be $1000 to repair. Before the truck was started the turbo had almost 1 qt of oil poured into it. After it started I had a steady stream of oil coming out of the return line. This is the same way I've installed every turbo. They told me something must be wrong with the engine, but I could fill up a Gatorade bottle in seconds using the feed line. They wouldn't even listen to me stating the return was POURING oil out when it started so it must have had oil, the carb cleaner flushed it out. I checked oil flow again before I removed the turbo and there was plenty of oil going into and out of the turbo. I had a ton of oil in my down pipe as well. I had about 150 hours into my conversion and this was all I needed to get it on the road so I paid the $$. It was Christmas time and driving my truck was a gift to myself. The turbo has been on for about 10,000 miles after they repaired it so whatever was 'wrong' with my engine is not a problem anymore. I will not be doing anymore buisness with Industrial Injection.

Apparantly my buddy is not the "fluke" case that we thought we maybe were the victims of. If there's one, there must be more. I don't know anyone who works for them so I can't say they are a shady company. It's hard to read a single issue of diesel power and see a truck NOT running something from II, so they have good products. It's just sad to hear that they don't stand behind the ones that fail.
Apparantly my buddy is not the "fluke" case that we thought we maybe were the victims of. If there's one, there must be more. I don't know anyone who works for them so I can't say they are a shady company. It's hard to read a single issue of diesel power and see a truck NOT running something from II, so they have good products. It's just sad to hear that they don't stand behind the ones that fail.

I never posted anything before because what good can it do? I read your post and had to say something. I remember the guy telling me he took pictures of the turbo all apart so there is nothing I could do. There was no oil inside. I guess all the carb cleaner ran through it cleaned it really well. I didn't think it would be good to have a package leak oil so I cleaned the heck out of it. It sucked but at the time $1000 to repair the turbo was better than $1500+ to buy a new one somewhere else. I have not had any problems since they went through it but I also won't buy anything from them again.
Quote from MIKE-HKS i been a detective for 15 years , i can smell a bull**** story before it turns the corner , your story makes no sense and does not add up, it makes no sense that it took you 17days to provide the number to one injector , and makes less sense you cant provide the number to the other one when you have them both in your hand , this has foul play written all over it ... i'm not going to provide a refund , and i'm not going to play message tag everytime i log in to this forum , this is my last reply to this matter

I guess the retard doesnt understand that it take time for someone to look over injectors, and from my place to II is about 2000 miles theres 6 to 8 days of just riding on a truck. The guy is just a theif, but im sure he detected that all ready. Thanks for Breaking it off im my ass Mike Peterssen!!!!!
i think he just wanted to screw you over but at the same time you bought used injectors and it would be his choice to give you your money back alot of people when you buy used you BUY them not buy them and say take them back i dont want them, you have to look at it as his view too, he sent them to you not II who knows what all they did to them and stuff but sounds like he just is turning his head on you
i think he just wanted to screw you over but at the same time you bought used injectors and it would be his choice to give you your money back alot of people when you buy used you BUY them not buy them and say take them back i dont want them, you have to look at it as his view too, he sent them to you not II who knows what all they did to them and stuff but sounds like he just is turning his head on you

I have nothing against II, I run there turbo. But I rarely see an injector tested there that hasn't come back as bad.


i think i waited long enough to make a reply cause internet wars make no sense, but here you go

reply from :MissouriHooker
No problem, ill get the numbers from Brady asap. Plus he sent me pics today. I understand you sold them to me, but the tips needed to me moved from my injectors to the injectors i bought from you

he sent you pics but it took 17days later to provide one # ??? i thought the internet was faster these days ,
and why would they move your tips to my supposedly bad injectors ????
injectors get tested first the way they come in ??? another one that makes no sense

reply from : missourihooker

the problem on this other one is i can read the # could you help me out on this other # all i can pretty much read is the 431

magnifying glass works awesome in these situations ...when you no longer have 20/20 vision

reply from :missourihooker
huh? Well I thought I could smell a pig! Go figure, every cop I know is more of a crook thin a law abiding citizen, I got the other # you idiot! You just planned on breaking it off in my ass from the start! You knew you had me screwed from the start cause paypal won't do nothing over 1000.00 I hope you feel good about your self! Here is the other # 431.4.4447 thanks for the butt ****!

i'm sure all the law enforcement members of this forum will be thrill to read that one

"and the second # he provided was wrong ," that was not the other injector i sold him ..

once he sent the first # 17days later after i asked for it , i said yes that was one of the injectors i sold you , when i said send me the second # he kept stalling, why ??? cause he didn't have it

i'm 100% legit in every transaction i make and 100% honest with any buyer , and if a refund is do i will provide one , in this case it has foul play written all over it ,,

and too who ever reads through this hole story i'm sure they will agree with me
Well if he first # is right and it is bad then why not give him half his money back that would go a long way towards helping this situation out IMHO.

i think i waited long enough to make a reply cause internet wars make no sense, but here you go

reply from :MissouriHooker
No problem, ill get the numbers from Brady asap. Plus he sent me pics today. I understand you sold them to me, but the tips needed to me moved from my injectors to the injectors i bought from you

he sent you pics but it took 17days later to provide one # ??? i thought the internet was faster these days ,
and why would they move your tips to my supposedly bad injectors ????
injectors get tested first the way they come in ??? another one that makes no sense

reply from : missourihooker

the problem on this other one is i can read the # could you help me out on this other # all i can pretty much read is the 431

magnifying glass works awesome in these situations ...when you no longer have 20/20 vision

reply from :missourihooker
huh? Well I thought I could smell a pig! Go figure, every cop I know is more of a crook thin a law abiding citizen, I got the other # you idiot! You just planned on breaking it off in my ass from the start! You knew you had me screwed from the start cause paypal won't do nothing over 1000.00 I hope you feel good about your self! Here is the other # 431.4.4447 thanks for the butt ****!

i'm sure all the law enforcement members of this forum will be thrill to read that one

"and the second # he provided was wrong ," that was not the other injector i sold him ..

once he sent the first # 17days later after i asked for it , i said yes that was one of the injectors i sold you , when i said send me the second # he kept stalling, why ??? cause he didn't have it

i'm 100% legit in every transaction i make and 100% honest with any buyer , and if a refund is do i will provide one , in this case it has foul play written all over it ,,

and too who ever reads through this hole story i'm sure they will agree with me

Your a lier and a thief, and im make damn sure no one else gets took by you here of on cummins forum.