New engine build Scania DC1601 for our semi truckpuller.

New 14L Scania V8 powerhouse for team Bertha in Denmark.


Last truckpulling event in Werkhoven the team managed to get a second place. Power is not the problem as we got a load more than number 3 and so on, traction is and a part also is playing it save as the other truck de Manne van Janne 1 broke it rear axle.

I’m more than happy on how the engine performs and all data looks good even when running on a very hot day like last Friday. So far we did not stall the engine so we are still looking for the combination on traction and gear ratios. We can still make some steps that could bring more power but for now we are concentrating in second place in the championship so we take it slow on new thing until maybe the last event or after the championship all depending on how many points we can lose if it goes wrong.

[ame=""]Truckpulling de Manne van Janne2 Scania V8 Werkhoven 2013 pull3 - YouTube[/ame]

Werkhoven 2013 Semi Truck puller Manne van Janne 2 second place - YouTube

Werkhoven 2013 Semi Truck puller Manne van Janne 2 second place onboard camera. - YouTube

Video of the 3 place winner.
Truckpulling van tuijl Nieuwaal Iveco Werkhoven 2013 pull3 - YouTube

Video of the winner.
Truckpulling Mad-Men van Berkel MAN V10 Werkhoven 2013 pull3 - YouTube
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Yesterday we had a visit of a member of a truck racing team using the DAF XF engines.
They have one open BOSCH ECU and they are able so set the RPM limit how they like and they can change ECU setting with the Inca software.
Also the open ECU as a emulator so they are able to program the ECU real time in the same way as we are able to do with our diesel ECU.

The BOSCH ECU calculates with mg/hub fuel (cam lift UPEC injection pump) and we are using VE (volumetric efficiency) and ARF (air fuel ratio) or you could say we calculate air mass.
The result is about the same but as we know from testing the UEPC system you will need to make a pump volume correction map to get the real mg/hub fuel thing and also looking @ some of there ECU data you can see something is going on above 2400Rpm and that’s the point that you will run the Bosch ECU out of it comfort zone maybe?

What was interested for me is how someone involved with DAF engines for over 40 years knowing the engine and all the data and parameters is reacting on the way we generate data looking at AFR as a guideline for making improvement on combustion of diesel for example.
The general idea also is the that the o2 sensor will not work for very long, well only killed 3 I think and 2 of them met a turbine wheel and the third one did not like the lube oil from the blown turbo. LOL.

What is also interesting is that the DAF UPEC fuel system is direct family of the PDE used by Scania and as no big surprise some of the things like nozzle hole size that work best where the same except the spay angle is different.

This meeting gave also some idea on where we stand with the Volvo D13A engine we done in a race truck having the last generation Delphi injection system.
Also according to the way most dyno result are plotted is to ad 100hp drive train losses to the wheel power output so we made 848hp with the D13 Volvo engine @ 1800Rpm? Power on the rear wheel was 550Kw, can someone comment on this to get some idea?

Thing is the dyno we normally use has a big electrical motor and we speed up the wheels to the max Kmh we want to run so we have the power consumption of the drive train so we could at this to the wheel power.

On the end of the day we came to the conclusion that the DAF XF engine is no option for the future or you could say a waste of time and money to develop more as we already know the DAF/Paccar MX engine that we know very well from our off road race trucks generate a lot more torque with no smoke. Also the Delphi fuel system on the MX engine is direct family on what is used on the D13 Volvo engines, in fact the Volvo D13 engine runs on the ECU setting of a MX engine.

[ame=""]TruckStar Festival 28-07-2013 Assen Deel 02 - YouTube[/ame]
Interesting post as always. We had a dyno session recently and found some real progression in calculated air fuel. Using the same estimated air mass. (A function of manifold pressure and temperature and engine VE).

However we are using a calibrated injection conversion table, mass=pressure over time being a common rail.

I've thought about lambda sensor's to make real time corrections but they seem to be very problematic in diesels simply from soot and the usually constant slightly over rich condition.

I'm not jumping on the lambda sensor train yet. Personally I'd love very large mass flow sensor's on the intake side that could handle our flows. Then with very accurate injector calibration it would be very simple to stick to a very appealing A/F ratio. This is also then leading control not after the fact.

I haven't played with unit injectors but pretty sure Nira also uses the cam/degrees with a volume conversion from degrees to mass.

As to drive train loss, really its up in the air. As I can imagine that big rubber and gear train would consume a fair bit of energy.

20% loss gets kicked around a lot. IMO I think 13% is much more reasonable provided you have good roller contact and little slip.
@ Joesixpack you should try a o2 sensor and get the real thing, this air mass fuel calibration thing of a Nira sucks otherwise we would have use it as well when we start on installing diesel ECU systems in the beginning. As an act of frustration we start building our own diesel ECU systems not having to wonder why the dam thing dos what it dos and if it happens I can only blame my self not having to sent a load of e-mail to some poor person that dos not know what hits him as he never try it before. Trail and error go a lot faster this way as well. LOL
The Nira completely depends on numbers like this and this will work to a point that you can test injectors and get data on flow numbers that correspond on what happens on the engine.

We run diesel injection systems that cannot be tested or we must invert big time in building the test systems our selves so we use o2 sensors to conform what we are expecting.

We put a lot of effort in testing unit injectors and so far we used 3 test systems all giving different results that do not represent what is happening on the engine, as you need to encounter a load of things from fuel feed pressure drop in the cylinder head to spill volume related to pump cam lift that is not the same as any cambox we test on so in the end if we are on a dyno we only know fuel consumption to power output and AFR if we have a o2 probe installed.

Please invest something like 200 bugs on a o2 sensor system as the MTX-gauge system from innovativemotorsport and link that to a data logger and take the data form your Nira to compare.
If your o2 probe is out of action to fast having a very wet diesel combustion on a commonrail diesel system, I think you should wonder what you are doing as we do not have this problem.
They do not like lube oil and unburned fuel but the way around this is to power up the o2 probe after warming up the engine and get some temp into the exhaust system so it will dry the pump cell in the o2 sensor. Must say we never done this on a diesel engine but use it on alcohol burners like methanol and ethanol.
Soot is not a problem as long it’s dry and it will clear it self out with some EGT. If you get a faulty reading most of it related to pressure on the o2 probe.

Air mass sensor are OK but we have to build some that will easy take over 1.2Kg/sec and they are not small in size and also very sensitive on turbulence on a large diameter and inaccurate with >5% error reading so most will only be used on low engine power when EGR is in use confirming the Airmass entering the engine.

Diesel engines do not run lean, that’s for Otto engines that run a constant mixture to load in order to get combustion needing a sparkplug to ignite. LOL. Do they sill build them? otto engines.

Last night bad luck strikes on our Semi truck puller, broken de rear axle on the super final run. I had good hope to find out how strong this engine is in the mega final run or pull off.
Still no idea when and how this engine jumps off boost in the lower RPM. One thing gets a bit clear we seem to be needing some gears in between what we have now, question is what extra power do we get after project X that we hope to implement after the last run for the championship points.

We still hold second place in the championship even after this bad result.

[ame=""]Werkhoven 2013 Manne van Janne Semi truck puller qwalification - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]Werkhoven 2013 Manne van Janne Semi truck puller final run - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Werkhoven 2013 Manne van Janne Semi truck puller super final. Broken rear axle - YouTube[/ame]
Eerde last Friday going home with a second place still going throng maintain second place in the championship.

[ame=""]Eerde 2013 Manne van Janne 2 semi truck puller second place in pull off - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Eerde 2013 Manne van Janne 2 semi truck puller Super final - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Eerde 2013 Manne van Janne 2 semi truck puller final run - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Eerde 2013 Manne van Janne 2 semi truck puller qwalification - YouTube[/ame]

Emty wallet. The Paccar semi truck puller that runs in the hobby sport class that runs on a zero euro budged and is only maintained and build by material from sensors.

[ame=""]Empty Wallet Paccar Semi truck puller hobby port class - YouTube[/ame]
Something different this time. An 17.2L V8 Iveco engine in a semi truck puller called the Rhinorocket. The team was struggling with the trust bearing of the Holset HX80 turbochargers and ask me to come with a solution. I selected the BorgWarner S500SX with a 88mm compressor and used a smaller A/R turbine housing and 2x Tial wastegate to control boost pressure. Result was a lot faster spool-up of the turbochargers and also halfway into the run when the sled is on to speed the boost pressure drop a small bit so full power is there when the sled slams is all it’s breaking power.




[ame=""]Alphen 2013 Rhinorocket maden run met de BorgWarner S500SX turbos - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Alphen 2013 Rhinorocket finale run met de BorgWarner S500SX turbos - YouTube[/ame]
We have done it again. Second place in the championship and first place on the biggest truck pulling event in Europe in a place called Almkerk.

We had an 18 point lead in the number 3 in the championship so we decided to go for safe and did not make any changes to the engine configuration.
So I’m very happy with the result as we did make a lot of progress this year and still loads of option to get more power out of the engine and we hope to start make changes in the next week and test them on some demo event this year.


[ame=""]Almkerk 2013 Manne van Janne 2 Semi truck puller run 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Almkerk 2013 Manne van Janne 2 Semi truck puller run 2 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Almkerk 2013 Manne van Janne 2 Semi truck puller final - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Almkerk 2013 First place Manne van Janne 2 Semi truck puller pull off - YouTube[/ame]

We also like to thank BorgWarner for there support and helping us out with the turbochargers. They helped out the RhinoRocked truck puller also making progress ending up 3 place on there NTTO event last Saturday.


Small update. Over the last we week we spend some time getting the clutch back into good working condition. After some pulls I was getting sticky not able to get it in any gear and on the pull off of last championship event it even decided to take off while ramping up RPM so we had to abort the pull and make a new start.

What we did last Saturday is step up boost pressure and have a look what happens. EGT when down a bit and AFR went from a 15 to a 16. engine feels stronger and we never seen the wheels of the ground in this hi gear and balance combination.

[ame=""]De Manne van Janne 2 Rijsbergen demo 2013 run 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]De Manne van Janne 2 Rijsbergen demo 2013 run 2 eerste plaats - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]De Manne van Janne 2 Rijsbergen demo 2013 korte ketting - YouTube[/ame]
Big toys for boys and girls. Fia truck race Zolder Belgium.

[ame=""]Fia Truck Grand Prix - Zolder 21/09/2013 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Zolder 2013, crash in truckracing - YouTube[/ame]

The truck we done with a 1280 diesel ECU system on a Volvo D13A engine. Still have loads of cooling problems as they discover that they have rust in de water tanks blocking the cooling systems for the breaks and coolers. The Zolder circuit is very hard on the breaks and I seen a break rotor that split is self in halve.

[ame=""]Blackjack racing Zolder 2013 deel 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Blackjack racing Zolder 2013 deel 2 - YouTube[/ame]
Tomorrow we will have the last opportunity to test things on the pulling track and as it look for now we will have a good clay track with a load of traction and finding a good balance in tyre pressure and weight distribution. Getting the front of the to far into the air will make the sled dig into the ground a lot more.

On the last test we done we get up in boost pressure and this lowered the EGT a bit.
For tomorrow we changed to a smaller turbine house hoping to get the boost pressure just under 5Bar or 72PSI. Question is will this lower the EGT and move up the AFR or will we get more EGR as a result of more exhaust pressure?
I’m hoping to burn the diesel a bit faster as more intake pressure will get more air volume in the cylinder hoping to get more temperature on the end compression stroke evaporation the diesel a lot faster so with a bit of luck we can ad some more fuel extending the fuel injection.

We also looked into the turbo damage we had so often on the Holset HX60 turbochargers.
We took some damaged HX60 and HX80 and find out they all had damage on the trust bearing indicating there is a lot of stress on them indicating there is a pressure balance problem between the turbine and compressor side.
The smallest model HX80 running with a 27cm2 TH stood out as it was able to bent the trust bearing in to a cone shape indicating there is a lot of tress coming from the turbine site.
The HX60 was a different story as in most cases the run after we hit the surge line of the compressor we where blowing up the turbocharger so our focus also went to the trust bearing suspecting it to flex a lot while hitting the surge line so the compressor wheel could hit the compressor cover throwing it off balance or bending the shaft.
As an engineer the thing to do is start comparing parts form different turbo manufactures to find out why we so far do not having any problem with BorgWarner turbochargers.
The HX80 is the same in size as the S500 from BW. Comparing the trust bearing the BW one is 50% thicker that the one from the HX80 so it will not bent that easy.
The trust bearing from a HX60 has about the same size as the ones from the S400 BW and the material is about the same on the 360 degree trust bearing we use and the original 270 degree BW trust bearing is a bit harder material.
What I did is apply 150Kg force in the trust bearing and took a micrometer to measure how far it will bent and the results where HX60 trust bearing bents 0.23mm and both BW S400 trust bearing bent 0.13mm.




Last weekend we had our last test for this year.

We made some changes to the truck and we are half way into a facelift to the newer P steamline model from Scania. This made it also possible to shave some weight of the front but on the second run on this perfect clay track I became clear that we must be able to compensate for the weight lost.
We also moved to a smaller turbine housing and that worked well making even more boost up to 70PSI and I was able to ad some more fuel.

2013 Boerdonk de Manne van Janne 2 run 1 - YouTube

2013 Boerdonk de Manne van Janne 2 finale run 2 de plaats - YouTube
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You my friend, are an intelligent engineer and builder. Fine work. I really enjoy outside the box thinking.
Really the credit for this semi truck puller goes to the whole team. We all play our part in this game and motivation is way over 120%.

Maybe this sound strange but the challenge is to get it all to fit into the box. We do not have a unlimited budged and decisions are made some years in advance so we have time to look for the parts we need.

Almost all the part are fitted to the truck for the new streamline look. I think it took more than 80 hours to get this done and shave a load of weight of in the process as well.

This is what the truck look like if you take all the parts off. Can’t wait for the parts to come back from the paint shop.
Compilation of the last demo event in Boerdonk. On a championship event we van have over 20 Semi Truck pre class. We run a Super sport with the limit of max 2 turbochargers in parallel and a max RPM of 2900. We also have the hobby sport class that use a turbo inlet restrictor and is limited to 2600 RPM and the original in/ex manifold system and intercooler must be used.

Trekkertrek Boerdonk 6 oktober 2013 9,5 ton Trucks - YouTube