new girl from ct

ok i went through 3 pages and no real pics and one blurry one........

need more dammit.
hahaha and a million comments on posts im seeing too, you guys take facebook to a whole new level :bang

at least give me some constructive criticism!
Welcome Kristie :Cheer: Lets get your truck buttoned up today so you can drive it!
Dang.....not in on one, oh well, welcome anyway
yea guess i shouldnt have labeled it "new girl" seemed to cause alot of attention

girls posting on diesel forums attracts a lot of members.
nope deff not a slut, none of the boys around here like girls that work on farms and drive trucks haha
You will discover there are 3 types of people you meet on diesel forums....
The first type get to know who you really are and you can call them friends.
The others can be grouped into 2 main categories, those that think you're a slut, and those that hope you are.

I hope you have a thick skin!