Official Cali Sledpull thread!

I would also agree on that the rules need to be standard everywhere around here, it's very confusing for us newer pullers ( such as myself )
For example some of the rules don't limit exhaust at all, others say it has to exit up or down with the bolts. But since VTPA doesn't even open hoods and check for anything I think they need to get with it the most...

Which pull have you been to where they open your hood?
I've only pulled at one pull, and that was 4 years ago in Turlock. Someone on here said something about VTPA not opening hoods to check for more than one turbo so I assumed other venues open hoods, I guess I was wrong!:bang
And with that we have totally derailed,............let'er rip Scott.
I've never had my hood opened. I think because of the number of trucks pulling and the same guys always doing the tech, they are getting wore out and just let things go until someone says something or someone comes and helps them tech. A few years ago I used to tech trucks and did a thorough check on every truck and it takes a ton of time and everyone complains about any little thing you tell them is wrong with their truck. If you guys want to step it up a notch then come early to the pulls and help with tech.
Ask 10 different people what the rules should be and you'll get 10 different answers.

You'll get the same result if asked how strictly the rules should be enforced.

What it comes down to is that it really doesn't matter. Everyone is on the honor system as far as conforming to rules that affect the outcome of the pull. The track officials should be more concerned with crowd safety.

At one of the last pulls I went to (not css), I had a fire jacket, helmet, u-joint shields, fire extinguisher, kill switch, SFI clutch, SFI harmonic damper, exhaust exiting upwards, and a few other safety features....

take a guess if any of it was even looked at, or if the kill switch was ever attached to the sled.:bang

I could have left it all at home and hung another 100lbs up front. lol.

However, I get a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that i'm doing my best to protect the crowd in the event of a mechanical failure, so I'll keep showing up with it.

these are some pretty strong posts up here!! and i agree with the fact that we need a "regulatred rule book" and i understand what josh is saying about showing up early to events to be more organized and i also agree. when i first started pulling i was so confused about what ruled i should follow and what wasnt so important and every year at stanislaus pulls i hear rumors about them inforcing rules and everyone was claiming last year that if smoke hit the sled they were gona hit brakes! so i think we just need an organized rule book for this area for the diesels. o yah, why must bbd pick on us little guys, we want to play too:poke::bigsmile:
I dont know about that!! Josh is just as close to the Rules as you are. You better take a little Closer look next time before you assume your the closest to meeting all the rules. And a tube fram chasis is pretty far from the rules not an easy fix if i am right. Its easy to get some loops, helmet, firesuit, ect... compared to chagin out your tube frame chasis. So even though it may be one rule it's one big rule. Even you could admit that. Rules are Rules and you always preach them to the rest of us and if your going to preach them then lead by example please next time go exhibition class and show us you know how to follow the rules just like you say you do.:thankyou2:

Like I said early I didn't see the tube chassis rule until somebody posted the L&L rules on this thread. I usally pull exstreme diesel with MLM and they allow Tube Chassis.

Perhaps you join us and pull before you get involved in our rules it would be recieved better.

I am just saying !!!!

This Friday @ Gustine I will bring Dick Persima (secretary for VTPA) a NADM rule book and talk to him about adopting these rules for the diesel classes only and possibly work some of them into the gasser classes if he feels some of the diesel rules are necessary for gasser rigs. I have been talking with him for quite sometime now this season and always contact him before each VTPA event I attend. I will do my best to get him to understand the reasoning behind standardizing the rules as well as possibly bringing in 2 more diesel classes to the VTPA events. Their rules right now have WAY to big a gap between what is street and extreme. They definatley need something in between. My main concerns are crowd safety as well but it would be nice to have some "offiicial" tech'n going on......who knows, maybe I can get him to make me the diesel truck tech.:Cheer:

I am very happy with NADM rules and am almost done with making my truck a NADM SS ruled truck. Once I get around to finding $400 to pay for the trans blanket I will be in complete compliance for the SS class.:rockwoot:

Anyone else who attends Gustine this weekend feel free to come find me and join in on pushing the rule issue with the VTPA.

This Friday @ Gustine I will bring Dick Persima (secretary for VTPA) a NADM rule book and talk to him about adopting these rules for the diesel classes only and possibly work some of them into the gasser classes if he feels some of the diesel rules are necessary for gasser rigs. I have been talking with him for quite sometime now this season and always contact him before each VTPA event I attend. I will do my best to get him to understand the reasoning behind standardizing the rules as well as possibly bringing in 2 more diesel classes to the VTPA events. Their rules right now have WAY to big a gap between what is street and extreme. They definatley need something in between. My main concerns are crowd safety as well but it would be nice to have some "offiicial" tech'n going on......who knows, maybe I can get him to make me the diesel truck tech.:Cheer:

I am very happy with NADM rules and am almost done with making my truck a NADM SS ruled truck. Once I get around to finding $400 to pay for the trans blanket I will be in complete compliance for the SS class.:rockwoot:

Anyone else who attends Gustine this weekend feel free to come find me and join in on pushing the rule issue with the VTPA.


What does nadm do with twinned trucks? There are a couple of us.
It's all kinda silly. I'd gladly give up 100 hp for 1000 more rpms.

another thing...
what good would additional rules be when the simple rules we already have aren't enforced?

This Friday @ Gustine I will bring Dick Persima (secretary for VTPA) a NADM rule book and talk to him about adopting these rules for the diesel classes only and possibly work some of them into the gasser classes if he feels some of the diesel rules are necessary for gasser rigs. I have been talking with him for quite sometime now this season and always contact him before each VTPA event I attend. I will do my best to get him to understand the reasoning behind standardizing the rules as well as possibly bringing in 2 more diesel classes to the VTPA events. Their rules right now have WAY to big a gap between what is street and extreme. They definatley need something in between. My main concerns are crowd safety as well but it would be nice to have some "offiicial" tech'n going on......who knows, maybe I can get him to make me the diesel truck tech.:Cheer:

I am very happy with NADM rules and am almost done with making my truck a NADM SS ruled truck. Once I get around to finding $400 to pay for the trans blanket I will be in complete compliance for the SS class.:rockwoot:

Anyone else who attends Gustine this weekend feel free to come find me and join in on pushing the rule issue with the VTPA.


You have to be dedicated to coming to every pull no matter what. You may want to team up with a couple people so in case you cant make it...
Utimately we may need to police ourselves. Let's say we can get the VTPA to atleast recognize the calles. Well that's the biggest hurdle. If we all know that we are pulling to NADM rules then we can always watch out for eachother as far as what truck enters what class. In reality with the 5-8 diesels that show up to a VTPA event, it wouldn't be hard to tech on our own and anyone going to those smaller events are likely to know eachother.
Right now we just need a start. The total solution will develop through trial and error.
Like I said early I didn't see the tube chassis rule until somebody posted the L&L rules on this thread. I usally pull exstreme diesel with MLM and they allow Tube Chassis.

Perhaps you join us and pull before you get involved in our rules it would be recieved better.

I am just saying !!!!


Don't get so butt hurt scott. I've pulled many timeseven atevents you were at pulling against me in so your last comment has no relevance. I'm just saying if your going to be all gung ho on the rules just becasue you paid a pretty penny for your Trailer Trophy Truck then you better be able to take it when we call you out too. It goes both ways. Either that or go back east and actually try and do your Sponsors some real justice. And if you are a true fan of pulling quit complaining about how certain groups run certain pulls and just show up for the love of pulling.
This Friday @ Gustine I will bring Dick Persima (secretary for VTPA) a NADM rule book and talk to him about adopting these rules for the diesel classes only and possibly work some of them into the gasser classes if he feels some of the diesel rules are necessary for gasser rigs. I have been talking with him for quite sometime now this season and always contact him before each VTPA event I attend. I will do my best to get him to understand the reasoning behind standardizing the rules as well as possibly bringing in 2 more diesel classes to the VTPA events. Their rules right now have WAY to big a gap between what is street and extreme. They definatley need something in between. My main concerns are crowd safety as well but it would be nice to have some "offiicial" tech'n going on......who knows, maybe I can get him to make me the diesel truck tech.:Cheer:

I am very happy with NADM rules and am almost done with making my truck a NADM SS ruled truck. Once I get around to finding $400 to pay for the trans blanket I will be in complete compliance for the SS class.:rockwoot:

Anyone else who attends Gustine this weekend feel free to come find me and join in on pushing the rule issue with the VTPA.


If your willing to do it more power to ya!
There's no money in west coast pulling.

Show up, be safe, have fun.
Utimately we may need to police ourselves. Let's say we can get the VTPA to atleast recognize the calles. Well that's the biggest hurdle. If we all know that we are pulling to NADM rules then we can always watch out for eachother as far as what truck enters what class. In reality with the 5-8 diesels that show up to a VTPA event, it wouldn't be hard to tech on our own and anyone going to those smaller events are likely to know eachother.

That is the problem right there. You want nadm rules which would give 5 different classes for 5-8 trucks. We can all pull in our own class, sounds fun:doh:
Don't get so butt hurt scott. I've pulled many timeseven atevents you were at pulling against me in so your last comment has no relevance. I'm just saying if your going to be all gung ho on the rules just becasue you paid a pretty penny for your Trailer Trophy Truck then you better be able to take it when we call you out too. It goes both ways. Either that or go back east and actually try and do your Sponsors some real justice. And if you are a true fan of pulling quit complaining about how certain groups run certain pulls and just show up for the love of pulling.

Dude I am not butt hurt at all but I think you are confused. I wasn’t complaining about the rules simply stated that I might have been the closest to meeting them when somebody mentioned tube chassis which, again, I didn’t know wasn’t allowed in the L&L rules until it was posted here !!!!! you make it sound like I was sneaky and did it intentionally which means you have no idea were I stand. I have been fighting for several years to make things fair and if you think I would have done that intentionally your just plain wrong!!!!

If you think I can’t do my sponsors right here on the West coast Think again and please let me know what you do for yours.

I just did three events in four days from Eureka to Sonora spent leave, lots of money of fuel, food, lodging, and fluids for the pull truck for a $5.00 trophy all for the love of the sport. Looks like your wrong again!!!!!