Porting the new Hamilton 12v head.

Dont you have a donut sale to get to there chubby?

You will never do what i have, but you will however forever be nothing more than a keyboard racer, with a grossly over priced red wagon for sale...

BTW---I built/own/race one of the fastest diesel trucks ever built, what do you have ????? :eek:wned:

Go phuck yourself Greg Houge Jr.
I'm feeling another ban coming on...
anyone who would want to ban Wade just doesnt know how to have any fun. u need to quit taking life so serious and have a little fun with it...it's all what you make of it. honestly i probably wouldnt get on this site much if it wasnt for him and Greg. when i have a bad day and i get on here... i go to bed happy every night after reading these posts...:lolly:
anyone who would want to ban Wade just doesnt know how to have any fun. u need to quit taking life so serious and have a little fun with it...it's all what you make of it. honestly i probably wouldnt get on this site much if it wasnt for him and Greg. when i have a bad day and i get on here... i go to bed happy every night after reading these posts...:lolly:

Thanks, i guess if im worth anything to these guys it may as well be entertainment value!
Kinda curious as to what an old crotchety bastard such as yourself is doing on the internets a 1:40 a.m. LOL

Ah had a moister problem LOL

It's the only time someone isn't aksing me to do something for them...
to OP

if you line the inside of your runners with this i think you can eliminate the nuclear physics thats coming out of your spinny thing

Havn't laughed that hard in awhile.... thanks for the the Info boys
I would just like to see more pics of this head. And what you are going to port on it. From what i see on Hamiltons web site it looks huge.
Holy Crap Batman....I think the entirely of Comp Diesel is now dumber due to this thread!!!!

Psychrometrics anyone???
ported head

hey guys, been a gasser for over 20 years, have a 99' 24 valve with 700,000 miles on it. so i decided to make a 12 valve for my 71 olds cutlass to beat up on some of my gasser friends. all the power to be had out of most any head is in the bowl work, valve job, and combustion chamber, where applicable. port matchin and port work is secondary, unless u r so far off u need a yard stick to measure it!. all engines r just glamorized air pumps, so the fore mentioned areas r the weak points in any head as far as power gains are concerned. mondello reinforced my theory in makin a small combustion chamber in this head, if for nothin else but to unshroud the valves! take a look at my pics here and let me have some feed back. b easy on me guys..lol!


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There are other ways to unshroud the valves, but you sure do shiny work!
What led you to do intake & exhaust pockets?
Did you CC the new "combustion chamber"?

Also, out of curiosity:
In photo #4, are you picking your nose or harvesting a pimple?

p.s. I noticed in photo #5 that the number 12 valve is installed upside down - hopefully I caught that for ya in time!

p.p.s. wow - your dome is almost as shiny as the valves... :)
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those valves r extreamely shrouded, at low lift, lets say .070 or so. when the valve opens and then on the way back down, when u r .070 or so from the seat, EXTREAMELY SHROUDED! and of course the "approach" and "exiting" of air in and out of the valves, all through the lift range. u cand see how the air has a lot more less agressive angles to enter and exit the cylinder, through that cumbustion chamber. there is 10cc's in that chamber. the shinny work is to reflect the heat from being absorbed into the head and keep it in the cylinder to help drive the piston down, with the added pressure it will create. kinda like swaintec coating. it will also help fire the chargers harder, again, cause the added heat in the exhaust stream will speed up the exhaust. i pollished the pistons like that too. it also helps to keep the piston from melting if u keep ur foot into it a little too long. valves r round bub..;) don't matter wich way there in there.. long as the valve job is good.