Quartermans out making passes!

I just had to watch that again today, She looks pissed off coming off the line.

I love it!
I saw him skeered as hell when he thought we were out of beer last year at Scheids.
I saw him pissed when we found out some asswipes stole our cooler...full of beer.
That is what the cr guys call a 12 valve. I call the cr guys the tickle by wire club!:hehe:
That is what the cr guys call a 12 valve. I call the cr guys the tickle by wire club!:hehe:

In prostreet, they are the easy to spot.... you usually find them on the trailer after racing a dinosaur LOL
The Only thing Darren is Scared of is Chuck Norris and Spiders!

That's funny as hell right there!!!! But really, when Chuck Norris goe's to bed he look's to see if Darren is under there:hehe: And he really doe's squeal like a little biotch about spider's though:kick: Love ya Darren....mean it too:hehe: