Sled pullin breakage videos

Who's the one crying. You are the one who didnt like my thread about pulling in the pulling section in the first place. Besides i didnt ask to discuss anything, I just wanted to see videos of **** breaking.

You guys are posting and discussing videos, genius. That goes in the the Video Discussion section, if you need help, there is a small subtitle under "Video Discussion" on the thread index page, read it.

Ouch. What clutch was it & what broke exactly?

SBC Iron Giant....I just hooked in the previous class and didnt give it time to cool down...
Plus at the same time i tore the trans apart so i dont know if one caused the other to come apart LOL
You guys are posting and discussing videos, genius. That goes in the the Video Discussion section, if you need help, there is a small subtitle under "Video Discussion" on the thread index page, read it.


My first post was real, the second one was just messing with ya and being a ass. Its okay im over it now.:bang
SBC Iron Giant....I just hooked in the previous class and didnt give it time to cool down...
Plus at the same time i tore the trans apart so i dont know if one caused the other to come apart LOL

That sucks. Expensive hook.
Dang... that Jeff isn't having to good a luck!


Since we have no good vids yet to show i thought we would start one about bad hooks. I will start with these three of my brothers truck.

This one is from about 3 years ago. The reason he is going slow is the weekend before he toasted the single disc cb clutch doing back to back pulls in the street class and the open class so he is in low 2 here so it would hook.

YouTube - Jeffs turbo carnage

This one is from 2 weeks ago at Decatur with me driving and the first hook with the 315/75/16 BFG a/t's.

YouTube - tim in jeffs truck at decatur

This one is the following saturday after fixing the driveshaft from decatur.
2nd hook with the big tires.

YouTube - Jeff at Rossville, IL

Lets see some other breakage vids from you guys. This should be fun!
