Super Street Poll

should sigma and 12 cylinder be allowed

  • ban sigma

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ban 12 cylinder

    Votes: 5 4.8%
  • Ban Both

    Votes: 44 41.9%
  • leave it alone

    Votes: 56 53.3%

  • Total voters


Nov 22, 2007
Should you be able to run a sigma or 12 cylinder pump in super street
What you guys wanting to do make it a big money sport i take it, if you guys want that jump up and run the mod class!
What you guys wanting to do make it a big money sport i take it, if you guys want that jump up and run the mod class!

They are already allowed man. I think he is probably thinking the same thing. As am I. If your running a sigma or a motor that needs a pump of that nature. You need to be introduced to the mod class. Leave us poor super street guys with 13mm pumps alone.:hehe:
What you guys wanting to do make it a big money sport i take it, if you guys want that jump up and run the mod class!

They are already allowed and im against running them in. Coming from an area that doesnt allow us to run them along with 98% of the rest of the country i feel that they should be Mod class only pumps. I dont know of anybody running them but if you read the rules you can, just nobody has yet. Just looking at the class in the future and would like to see it p-pump only since alot of us cant run them at our local, every weekend event. Would like more discussion for and against and everybodies opinions even if your not in the class already, maybe building one in the future, Thanks.
Ok I se we are all on the same page now. The way the rules are going for all the classes there will only be one class and that's the mod class
I got no dog in this fight... But it seems to me at least the Sigma with its 15K price tag should be left for the Mod Class...

I haven't done any reading on the 12 Cylinder pumps... But prolly the same thing for them.

Makes sense to me...
I got no dog in this fight... But it seems to me at least the Sigma with its 15K price tag should be left for the Mod Class...

I haven't done any reading on the 12 Cylinder pumps... But prolly the same thing for them.

Makes sense to me...

What do you know dude? Your crying about grade school 2.6 trucks. Haha, totally kidding man. I agree 100%. Jeremy you ran against 1 sigma pumped truck in Indy. Next year I know of a second that will have one. Lets just hope the mod guys don't decide to come to the events with street tires next year and bushings. That will be the end of me thats for sure haha!! Ill just have to stick to my local brushpulls rather than the nationwide brushpulls.
Man I hope a Sigma or 12 cyclinder pump isn't a requirment to run Mod, we are runing a 13mm :)

I agree with you guy's though.

What do you know dude? Your crying about grade school 2.6 trucks. Haha, totally kidding man. I agree 100%. Jeremy you ran against 1 sigma pumped truck in Indy. Next year I know of a second that will have one. Lets just hope the mod guys don't decide to come to the events with street tires next year and bushings. That will be the end of me thats for sure haha!! Ill just have to stick to my local brushpulls rather than the nationwide brushpulls.

LOL.... Yeah Yeah Yeah... 2.6 Gradeschool stuff... We all started somewhere! LOL... I just screwed up and started with the wrong engine platform! :bang
LOL.... Yeah Yeah Yeah... 2.6 Gradeschool stuff... We all started somewhere! LOL... I just screwed up and started with the wrong engine platform! :bang

I split the block first pass of the season last year. I said the hell with it and ran it all year. It was cracked REAL BAD. Motor ran fine though. Cracks went all the way into 4 cylinders and still lived.
LOL... Yeah... But once again.. Street Truck! Doubt mine would live very long with a busted block.

But thats actually pretty neat to me that yours will run (and good!) that way.

I actually just posted in the first thread... I think I've pretty much decided if I can't beat 'em join em... I'm gonna go ahead and buy a truck to tow mine with... Push the CR till she pops and then go from there.
I split the block first pass of the season last year. I said the hell with it and ran it all year. It was cracked REAL BAD. Motor ran fine though. Cracks went all the way into 4 cylinders and still lived.

I swear, Captain Brushpuller.

Obviously, we need a NADM member only vote, so we don't have a lot of "rif raf" skewing the poll.
My personal feeling is fuel has been open since the class began, leave it alone.
With the use of the Sigma and 12 cyl. pumps Super Street will grow into the "I suck at mod so I am going to drop down a class" class. I say keep them out and do like NTPA and limit it to P7100 or P3000 so you don't have other exotic pumps showing up. Remember the need for class progression, not many 2.8 trucks out there that would jump up into SS if its old mod trucks with street tires on them.
I think that they should be allowed what good is a class if there is no competition.
I split the block first pass of the season last year. I said the hell with it and ran it all year. It was cracked REAL BAD. Motor ran fine though. Cracks went all the way into 4 cylinders and still lived.

Fess up you left water in the block and it froze, it cracked over the winter, you just didn't realize it until the first pass!
I think that they should be allowed what good is a class if there is no competition.

I thought that keeping the big pumps out meant closer competiton not well there goes a sigma 40ft ahead of second place. The only thing that does is let everyone with all this money own the ss class. I say let them do what ever they want and in a couple years when nobody pulls them kind of classes because of it maybe they will change it, in mean time I say we go pull with FPP !
I thought that keeping the big pumps out meant closer competiton not well there goes a sigma 40ft ahead of second place. The only thing that does is let everyone with all this money own the ss class. I say let them do what ever they want and in a couple years when nobody pulls them kind of classes because of it maybe they will change it, in mean time I say we go pull with FPP !

Isnt that the case in any class. The people with the most money dominate in every class, a sigma isnt going to guarantee a win. I have no issue running against a truck with a sigma on it and i run a 14mm pump.
Remember the need for class progression, not many 2.8 trucks out there that would jump up into SS if its old mod trucks with street tires on them.

Thats what the class is for. It was instituted about the time tube frames, fiberglass bodies, triple turbos, cut tires,were coming into the Mod class.

It gave a home for the out dated original steel bodied/stock frame Mods to drop back to... Brad Ingram or Resurected Ram anyone?

2.8 guys will never move up, anyway.

Oh and fellas, please read the rules before you comment on rules threads, most times it will change your comment.