The first Deranged "OH CHIT, I am gonna die" moment.

lmao, I know the feeling!!!!! my first real hot rod I built from the ground up, I wasn't 100% done with the brakes... a buddy of mine was like "let's take a ride in it!"

I'm like "there's no brakes", so he pumps the brake pedal a few times and the pedal gets firm and he's like "look brakes!"

well, when you're just putting around, pumping the brakes a few times to get pressure is easy, but when you're coming up on a stop sign by a school - after getting on it - with cars coming from your left and right, instinct is to stab the pedal! :eek:

luckily it slowed just enough and I had a good "hole" to turn into traffic and the car was able to handle that corner at the speed we hit it at!

every project I built after that had brakes as top priority!

glad you're alright, like I said, I know the feeling. We can laugh about it now, but it could have been bad :o
had a buddy here at home track that replaced a master cylinder in a 8.0 ride bled brakes all was good on the first pass of the day. second pass of the day pin fell out of the pedal just as he knocked it into second pulled the shoot and still ended up off the end of the track by and 1/8.
I had a buddy do the exact opposite. This was a 451 stroker in a 72 dart. He jacked up the rear end of the car to break the cam in. Gets it rollin, loads the motor a little and the smoke is just barrelin out from the rear tires. Meantime i'm telling him to take his foot off the brake pedal, and he cant hear me for open headers. Needless to say, we but new brakes on the car shortly after that. Funny how you get excited or distracted and forget things...
The stroke sounds good.
LMAO, Omg Tim.... I'm so glad you're ok.

The VERY reason you're a pilot is your quick thinking to get the situation defused and SAFELY. How's the tranny? lol
Thats actually what happens when you land 1/2 way down the runway going 50 MPH too fast with only half your flaps down. AKA: Moron's.
Figures... only Morons could do that in spite of being all flap & no throttle! :Cheer:
Similiar thing happened to me, I've been storing an old (1974) corvette for my sister in law. It belonged to her late husband and it really need a ton of work. I finally convinced her to sell it, mainly to get it out of my garage. Had a buddy who was interested in getting and took it for a test drive. Got it out on the highway and opened it up. Came back drove into the garage slow and no brakes, pedal went clear to the floor. Front bumped the side of the steps going into the house but no major damage to either. Pin that connects the brake pedal to the rod that goes through the firewall to the brake bellows or actuator fell out so zero brake. The clip that hold the pin in had came off and the pin vibrated out. Could have been serious. Any of you guys try to work on one of those damn things. Trying to get up under that steering column to work on it is damn near inpossible, at least for an old stiff fat man.