Truckers, lets see your rigs!

I got pulled in and measured at the "welfare bend" scale once when I was pulling hoppers.....the old timer red lighted me and said I was 68'6"...... The ticket for being 6" too long is $475, so he said go shorten it up or take the ticket. Haha
I hear they're real McA$$holes in Texas about big visors

Never been hit yet but my visitors weren't that big. We'll see on this truck. It looks huge but really isn't.
Maybe it's just me but NM has always been the letter of the law state to me , then CO is all to ready to pull every guy in just in case they can get some cash off you , now I have been lucky in a lot of places but the wrong guy having a bad day in any state and we all have a bad day , hit them when there dreaming if you can
I got called "boy" by a Texas dps cop about 50 times one night, I bet he was 10 years younger than me.

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JWAC Bmodel and a 13spd sitting in my dispatchers shop.

The truck I drive on a daily basis, only reason It's clean is cause it hasn't moved since last Friday. It's really dirty now from just today. It doesn't have the biggest of visors but Texas never bothered me.

Yea I got nailed yesterday for two log book violations. The biggest bunch of arsehole DOT guys I've come across. It all started with preschool jokes about how clean my truck was when I pulled on the scale. He then asked for a log book like he was doing to every truck rolling across (as if none of us were on a time schedule), I then reached over, put my ipad into inspection mode and handed it to him. Instant pissed off...
That led to me emailing them to him while on the scale, and me parking the truck and bringing him all my info. Complete arse hole the hole time. All of this while, I'm empty.
There was 6 other guys in this 2 person area doing the same crap I was. I was there for over an hour and a half, listening to them make fun of drivers, stop what they were doing to laugh at jokes and talk about completely random crap.
Got me for a previous day over 14 hours and since I messed up my book on the over 14, that left him open to tag me for another 30 minute break.
He then let me go. However they mail you your ticket... I then had to sign all the papers before I told him my address on my license wasn't current. He asked how long it's been since I moved (over a year), he then got back into prick mode and said why haven't you went and got it updated? I said it costs 50 dollars just to get another one printed so I'll let it ride out. He says, " the 50 is a lot cheaper than the citation". At this point my yes sir, no sir, smile on my face attitude was fading. My reply was, "we'll cross that bridge when we get there". He quit talking to me by that time pretty well. Wrote down my address and said he'd change it.

Insurance jacked around yesterday and didn't get back with the office in time to confirm my load so I basically wasted a whole day yesterday. Got loaded this morning and have the whole weekend to make it from east of Baton Rouge to the bottom of Kansas. Which sucks cause I'm already in Oklahoma.

Moral of the story, I'm an idiot for wanting to get back in this lol. However I enjoy it for some stupid reason so I'll keep motoring on.

The load that has an asinine value on it and zero weight lol.
Yea I got nailed yesterday for two log book violations. The biggest bunch of arsehole DOT guys I've come across. It all started with preschool jokes about how clean my truck was when I pulled on the scale. He then asked for a log book like he was doing to every truck rolling across (as if none of us were on a time schedule), I then reached over, put my ipad into inspection mode and handed it to him. Instant pissed off...
That led to me emailing them to him while on the scale, and me parking the truck and bringing him all my info. Complete arse hole the hole time. All of this while, I'm empty.
There was 6 other guys in this 2 person area doing the same crap I was. I was there for over an hour and a half, listening to them make fun of drivers, stop what they were doing to laugh at jokes and talk about completely random crap.
Got me for a previous day over 14 hours and since I messed up my book on the over 14, that left him open to tag me for another 30 minute break.
He then let me go. However they mail you your ticket... I then had to sign all the papers before I told him my address on my license wasn't current. He asked how long it's been since I moved (over a year), he then got back into prick mode and said why haven't you went and got it updated? I said it costs 50 dollars just to get another one printed so I'll let it ride out. He says, " the 50 is a lot cheaper than the citation". At this point my yes sir, no sir, smile on my face attitude was fading. My reply was, "we'll cross that bridge when we get there". He quit talking to me by that time pretty well. Wrote down my address and said he'd change it.

Insurance jacked around yesterday and didn't get back with the office in time to confirm my load so I basically wasted a whole day yesterday. Got loaded this morning and have the whole weekend to make it from east of Baton Rouge to the bottom of Kansas. Which sucks cause I'm already in Oklahoma.

Moral of the story, I'm an idiot for wanting to get back in this lol. However I enjoy it for some stupid reason so I'll keep motoring on.

The load that has an asinine value on it and zero weight lol.

Lol get your ch*t together. I haven't met a real prick yet but I've heard bout one in our province.
So glad I don't have to run logs with my Log Truck or the OTR I drive..
Lol get your ch*t together. I haven't met a real prick yet but I've heard bout one in our province.

I've met one nice one. Bout it...

So glad I don't have to run logs with my Log Truck or the OTR I drive..

Logs aren't that bad if you don't screw up like me and forget to make some stuff disappear lol. Been outta practice lol
My friend just picked up this gem:umno: doesn't look like much but its got a fresh 7CZ with a 13spd and 3:70s. I gotta flattop unibilt to go in place of that thing on it now. New fenders, stacks, paint and polish. Should be a nice unit. If all goes well, I have a set of 58's and a 800 marine cam, and hopefully some acert twins...


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My friend just picked up this gem:umno: doesn't look like much but its got a fresh 7CZ with a 13spd and 3:70s. I gotta flattop unibilt to go in place of that thing on it now. New fenders, stacks, paint and polish. Should be a nice unit. If all goes well, I have a set of 58's and a 800 marine cam, and hopefully some acert twins...
Was the bunk swapped or the motor?

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Well fixed my fuel pressure problem.

Little Saturday afternoon friendly bs here... What's everyone prefer for filters?