Ukiah, CA results


New member
Apr 28, 2006
I will take a stab at it, nothing official yet

This one is the closet we attend only an hour away so I am back way before the rest of the folks can chime in

This was by far the best track we have had all year out this way not the best showing for diesel trucks but a fair turnout.

Street Diesel:
1st. Angela (Pangela)
Not sure after that

Super Street:
1st. Nick Damico
2nd. Joe Ghenn
3rd. Tom Colesanti
Not sure after that

Modified Diesel:
1st. Scott Vorhees
2nd. Joel Gooch
Not sure after that

Here is vid of my hook:

Congrats all!

This is a great list. It sort of says "I paid attention to the people I knew. To hell with the rest of 'em" :hehe:
Nat, I get caught up in the whole zen thing and forget the names :) More reason for you to show up with the yunger memory and all :)

Joe's truck ran really good and hard last night, I think he was happy with the results as well.

Nick found out he couldn't hold 4th on a tight track, he down shifted and then it took off like a bat out of hell.

Chris Sutton, do you guy's know him???? :hehe: he had some bad luck or should I say had more bad luck and broke on the line not sure what all went he believes it was T-Case and universals.

Thanks! It was a great pull. I had a total blast. I'm working on uploading all my video's, will post them up when I've got them done. I met a LOT of people from here on Comp, who I talk to online, but never quite get connected with at the pulls, it was great!!
Mmm, I'm about to post some of the night life LOL. I seriously have NO idea who lets those people out in public in the streets or (or parking lots for that matter) of Ukiah.
Pangela said:
Mmm, I'm about to post some of the night life LOL. I seriously have NO idea who lets those people out in public in the streets or (or parking lots for that matter) of Ukiah.

Probably a good thing I left when I did :)
You damn right Scott. The events that unfolded later that evening were interesting to say the least.

Those of you who use Mozilla can click directly on the picture and go to the video. Those of you who don't are screwed. Stare at the picture and imagine the rest of the pull LOL just kidding. Right click and "open link", that should do 'er

These are the Competition Video's, another post will commence with the Ukiah night life.

My Pull. 233ft

Green Reg Cab 2nd Gen Dodge

Young Guns Gasser

Wild Hare

Howards 1st Hook

Howards 2nd Hook

Chris Suttons Pull... watch close, it's almost a full pull!!

BBD- Scott


2nd Gen White Dodge with Flames
Thank you to everyone who came to Ukiah. It was a great show! Some very impressive pulling indeed. It was great to see everyone again. The results are posted at

I am very dissapointed in myself for not being a part of the parking lot festivities. I have seen the video and it will soon be up for everyone's viewing pleasures...Tom you are one bad mo'fo'! We at MLM Motorsports have decided to branch out to this new breed of ice chest lid knee surfing and shopping cart racing.

MLM Motorsports said:
We at MLM Motorsports have decided to branch out to this new breed of ice chest lid knee surfing and shopping cart racing.


So I already have a custom ice chest lid and helmet, when is the first event?

Ladies and Gentleman-

I am proud to present to you, the Ukiah 2007 Shopping cart races.
Beware, this may not be appropriate for small children to watch. Rated M for Mature.

The next event of the evening was sponsored by Torito's Cheese dip, Coors Light and Igloo Coolers. Though after seeing the damage to their lids, we've just gotten news that Igloo will be revoking their sponsorship. Bastards.

After one round on the lower horse power... we decided that we really needed to amp up our power adders.
The boys tried to accost this poor waitress after her long hard day at work, but I was finally able to have a small chat with her, and after finding out that her boyfriend was in the Army, and away in Iraq... I told her that Tommy was in the Navy and he'd had a bad round in the sand box and needed this as therapy for his PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) as part of the treatment. She knew she had no choice but to do her duty for her country.

When Angela jacked that 4runner from the "rock biter" later in the night, the cooler lid smackdown got really out of hand. If Craig had'nt let go of the rope, I would have had an up close and personal relationship with a big a$$ light pole.
