07 5.9 733/1305 Part out

Well I was the first person to reply and haven't heard squat thanks for keeping a guy waiting I've sent plenty of pm's and heard nothing I'm assuming that they are sold to someone else and being kept or there was a bidding war I wasn't aware of

My money is now going elsewhere I'm sure you'll find someone else
He's replied plenty to this thread, it's not like he wad avoiding you. Why didn't you make a new post? He sold alot of stuff, probably hard to keep track of who wants what little piece and such. Last iheard it was all spoken for except the mp8.
Anybody know how I could get ahold of him, he hasn't replied to my message and I'm afraid the springs may have got lost in the mail or something
hmm, you called him or talked to him recently? I know he's probably busy with finals right now, i know i sure am. I think he might be graduating too?
I haven't talked to him since before I paid for them. I have tried a couple different attempts recently with no luck? Others on cumminsfourm have gotten their parts. I believe that I will get them, but I am hoping sooner than later.
yeah my buddy got his turbo about 3 weeks ago, but he drove and picked it up in person because he was only 1.5 hours away from him.
Yea it took a while but you'll get your stuff, he sent my springs next day since I had to wait, which I'm gonna have to do the same sendin my stock ones back bcuz I forgot about them till I saw this thread
Yea it took a while but you'll get your stuff

Actually I guess I won't get my stuff. He double sold the gauges and sent them to someone else. I guess paying for an item the day the ad is posted doesn't get you the part. Now just waiting for my refund. :bang Wish he would have noticed sooner.