08 Dodge cummings metal shavings in the oil????

"Kind of right"...I'll take it!

Its a funny thing in life, how the things that have a very good chance of getting you killed are the things we enjoy the most. The whole life being beautiful, because it is so brief thing. Dont mean to get to deep here. Maybe in that girls intro thread I will..OHH!

Wwhhoo...glad the big dogs arent mad at me:woohoo: (Im not being sarcasitic). I can continue drinking in peace:Cheer:.
thanks for all the your thoughts on this and im glad to see my lack of knowledge be amusing to some
If you are dumb enough to believe a weak oil pump and metal shavings in the oil are of no concern to the engine then you are a true fukking moron.

At what point do you think this can come out good later? jesus
I'm a dumbphuck oil field guy too, but if I had metal shavings like that I'd be getting a new engine or would have taken the truck back the minute I saw that, the dealership is just pulling your chain and probably hoping your warranty runs out before the engine does blow up.
yeah seriously...if you even had to ask the question ''if an engine has metal flakes in it is that bad?''...

well then ya got whatya deserved..id have took that truck back the second i found that and lost my grip on that dealer....

course id have checked the dipstick before i bought any truck but thats just me
Hey guys i just bought an 08 ram 2500 cummings turbo has 32,000 miles on it whn i done the oil change i found lots of metal flake and some rather large pieces say nickle size....have i bought a truck someone was beifing up or something someone has just flat tore up?????

nickel sizes pieces of anyhting comin out of an oil pan??? how the fk id it run...and ow did they come out the drain hole....or did ya pull ht epan to change the oil:bang
thanks for all the your thoughts on this and im glad to see my lack of knowledge be amusing to some

Dude....lack of knowledge? I'd bet there is over 100 years total and maybe more of diesel in this thread alone telling you metal shavings are bad and you should get out of it while you can. It is not your lack of knowledge, it is you lack of LISTENING. :D

Just a friendly reminder from the folks at Comp D...RUN LIKE HELL before you end up buying a new $12,000 motor. If a dealer told me "metal shavings in the oil is ok, they won't hurt anything," I'd tell the little service man that he'd better get the owner(s) on the phone 'cause I'm fixin' to raise three kinds of hell.
OP- If you were coughing up blood and pieces of your lungs...and the doctor said it was fine...would you trust them???

Same thing with your engine coughing up nickel sized chunks of metal...

I would always be cause of what a dealer says about anything.