12v swap 85 F350 CCLB. 4wd


New member
Aug 7, 2014
I've been working steady on swapping. 97 p-pump 12v into my old Ferd. Previous to this I have never touched a cummins. Only IH I.d.i.'s. I love the idi but I wanted to see what all the hype is about. So I started hoarding parts. Fast forward I now have a ppump 12v with a g56 and 231d and a rotary pump cummins with a 727 slush box with np205. I like to do things in bulk. So I'm not hunting for silly brackets and hardware when I'm in the middle of something. I will get up the pics. There are a lot. Since I've been working on it for a month but just decided to make my thread.

Engine details.
I purchased it from the guy who built it bc he was getting married and wanted/had to liquidate all his toys. (Poor guy)
It's a school bus 97 p-pump motor. IH cast block. Fire ringed block. Marine pistons but stock injectors. Kdp fixed. Motor was rebuilt. Not just with a can of krylon. As for the pump. 4k gov spring and shaved fuel plate. Hx35 I rebushed. Usually when I post what I know about this engine I get a lot of ??? Wth ??? Yeah I don't know wha he was going for but I don't want to mess with anything until I get the truck running.
Trans is a 07 g56 from a rollover with 27k on it. It has a south bend clutch.
Tcase is a 231D.
I'm running 3.55s in the rear and about 34-35" tires
I'm running 1480 joints in the back and 1350 up front. I had a lot of 1480 stuff laying around and Jesse at high angle driveline hooked me up solid with a flange yoke for my sterling so it was a no brainer
I went with the dieselconversion motor mounts. I'm not in love but they'll do the job. I made my own trans crossmember and used the stock dodge trans mount.

I'll get more details and pics as soon as I get a chance. Let me know what u guys think.
Think we need some pictures!! But sounds like a good build first.
ok im going to try to upload the pics. i have been working on the truck for about a month so there is a lot of pictures to add


Got the diesel conversion motor mounts. I'm not in love but they get the job done.




Supposed to be rebuilt


IH cast block


Stock dodge trans mount i will use with my crossmember

Turbo time . Had to choose between an h1c wh1c and an hx35. I ended up cleaning up the hx35 shaft on the lathe and re bushing it. I dont know where the truck is at really so im just gonna run this setup to get a baseline

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Got an ox locker off my buddy. It had seen some abuse . the cross shaft welded itself to a side gear and broke the spring pins. I cleaned up the cross shaft and spiders on the lathe. She's good now. Ready to drag the sled thru the gate.


Waiting on a firewall plate from Jason Moyer then i can put the dash back together. This truck was a 351 auto.

For the clutch hydraulics i used a 94 ford master bc from advanceauto they are always aluminum and i bought a dodge southbend prebled unit from nick dybiec. I used the slave and stainless line from the southbend unit with the ford master. It's all the same bore and stroke so the clutch bled right up and its got a great feel too it.



These nut washer combo things ALWAYS rot away so i made my own from some lug nuts and washers. Then i just faced them on the lathe.



Time to get shafted. Front shaft was made from some old rear shaft parts i had. I ended up running 1350 joints. I robbed a 1350 yoke off of a 70 for the front 60. They are interchangeable.

Called Jesse at high angle driveline for thos baby. It's the slipper for the t case and its a 1480. U may ask y 1480? Well i had all the parts and shafts laying around to make my own shafts with 1480 joints so i am into all the shafts for about $325 after new joints. I also got a blank 4.75 square flange yoke for the sterling bc i thought my driveshaft was a 4.75 square. Well it wasn't. But thats what lathes and mills are for!!! I got her drilled out right and made the pilot ring to match.





Rear shaft. Like i said all 1480.




Dont give me a hard time about balancing. I've made more shafts than i can count and never had a n issue
