14mm ve build???

I would like to feed the plunger and head assm isolated from the body. Need to find a way to block the passage the feed the plunger from the case fuel and feed the head with high pressure starting at 60 to a 100 psi and go up with rpm. It seem the probably starts with highrpms and big injectors and the plunger and barrel run dry because it can fill fast enough through the small fill port in the head. So since cant open that passage up you need to increase pressure. If the head is isolate from case fuel the high pressure sould not blow the seal out or mess with the timing
Scheid ran mine up to 3,900rpm a few times before it seized in the 14/4mm combo. I'm pretty sure if it started to defuel at 2,900 instead it would have lived. But sled pullers love rpm! ;)
If you could keep the plunger cavity full do you think could of kept it from locking up? The ve locks up from the lack of full right? So if could double or triple the pressure feeding the fill port allowing it to fill faster in a short amount of time :ft:
You'll have to overcome quite a bit of fuel pressure just to begin feeding the fill port. Injection pressure is at least 3600psi.
Injection pressure is high, but the fill port pressure is the same as case pressure is. As the plunger moves forward and turns it blocks off the fill port thats how it isolates the injection pressure from fill pressure.
Brain Block made a fitting that would Isolate the case from the spill port/shut off port. any pressure over what the case could support would be a benifit, but a VE is inherently limited by the size of the spillport, so there will always be a limitation.
I agree. If you need to move more volume and can not increase the size of a pipe, tube, hose or a port you will have to up thev pressure. And if case pressure is 120 to 150 with 20 to 50 psi going in the factory fuel inlet. What would happen if feed just the head through the shut off port with 4 to 500 psi. It should fill the barrel faster keeping it full and from locking up i think
Brain Block made a fitting that would Isolate the case from the spill port/shut off port. any pressure over what the case could support would be a benifit, but a VE is inherently limited by the size of the spillport, so there will always be a limitation.

How did it perform and what kinda pump did he use to feed it?