2.6 pull truck "6 Cylinder Sickness"

Picture of the updated cover.

Bump!!! 6 cylinder aids ftw!!! I'll be making some changes next week and it should only run better. Hopefully hook it next weekend
Nice truck. I believe I remember seeing this truck at schied last year? I seen it somewhere. Good luck with the sale.
NEW offer: 20K for the truck!
(does NOT include trailer from previous post. Trailer can still be purchased, separately though)
Just want the truck sold, tired of sitting on it.
SOLD SOLD SOLD! it's been a great 6 years in the diesel competition scene but it's time to close this chapter in our lives and move on. Drag truck is gone and just dropped off the pull truck at the new owners shop. We've made a lot of good memories and great friends that we'll never forget.