2.6 pulling tire?

I have seen guys take brand new boggers and cut every other bar off, but I never got to see how the truck pulled. The sts's seem to be the tire that consistantly finds its way to the full pull mark. I was often wondering about the Claws as well, since they do look the most like a tractor tire. I really dont see why they wouldnt work but if they were proven track duds, I guess I can chalk that one up to another failed idea. lol
Cut boogers on a pulling truck? I bet that gets expensive on the drivetrain side of things. You gotta remember its not all about traction, its about the right kind of traction. claws and boggers bite extremly hard and thats digging yourself a hole as well as throwing loose dirt in front of your back tires and the sled. IMO you want a tire with read close trad pattern so that tire its floating the weight, but with aggressive edges. Look at the outside edges of an sts.
Like I said, I didnt get to see this truck in action but I did see them cutting the lugs off, so I had to ask. lol.

I see what you are saying about the loose dirt pileing up against the sled and in front of the tires causing you to spin before you hit the good dirt. I think I had a problem with that this year with my KM2's, I had chunks of mud flying everywhere when I let the clutch out.
Got 6 new claws a few years back, 1st pull dropped from a normal first or second place(in Florida) to about eighth place. So I left them on one more time just to see, samething. Sold the four in back to a friend put all terrains in the back kept the claws up front went back to 1st and 2nd place runs. Bought back the claws after they were about bald put them in the back and competed for one and a half years very happy on all tracks until I tried STS's. Wow no comparison especially on softer tracks.
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I started out years ago with claws and shortly there after went to an all-terrain with alot of siping. Nite and day difference. I carried way more wheel speed down the track and won alot more pulls. I'm running STS's now and love em. One thing you gotta keep in mind is the Question was for a 2.6 truck not a mod truck with double or triple the torque. Mod trucks need a tire that bites alot harder to plant that power. Try putting a pit bull cut on any of the top 2.6 trucks in the nation and find out what happens!
Got 6 new claws a few years back, 1st pull dropped from a normal first or second place(in Florida) to about eighth place. So I left them on one more time just to see, samething. Sold the four in back to a friend put all terrains in the back kept the claws up front went back to 1st and 2nd place runs. Bought back the claws after they were about bald put them in the back and competed for one and a half years very happy on all tracks until I tried STS's. Wow no comparison especially on softer tracks.

I think we still need "proof on your logic" not to run claws LOL

Maybe you didn't sharpen them correctly. *bdh*
I would like to see somebody run 1:1 tire and ground speed win a pull. I tried it a lot when I had no power. All I did was bounce and break stuff.
Even the gasser trucks I'm around at all the pulls don't want a tire that digs down. Everyone runs the STS's. Some of them have tried others but don't get the results they do with the STS's
We have been running the Khumo KL71 on our duramax workstock puller with mixed results. On a loose track they work great and don't seem to dig in too much. On hard tracks they are too aggressive and can try to bounce but overall they are a decent tire. We are usually in the top three with trucks running BFG's
Again another useless post adding nothing to the thread other than ignorance you normally puke out. Keep the post count climbing so you can waste more of everyone's time. Thank you to everyone else with their comments on why it is not a good idea. I'll run what I got on it now.

You just had a bunch of very experienced pullers tell you in 6 different ways that claws suck except in a very few select circumstances. Yet, for all this good free advice, you're all pissy?

You must have thought you were on one of those hippie forums....sorry....
Thank you for asking this! I have been wondering the same thing for a while. But never asked. I have been thinking of going to bfg's next year too if i still have a puller for next year.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk while driving a loaded concrete truck.
I started this in its own thread so I didnt steal this one so much, but its not getting too much action on the subject either.

I have the BFG KM2's on now and had one heck of a time hooking them to the track. I would stay away from them as a track tire.
Has anyone hooked with nitto dune grapplers? Looks like they could hook good when there new and sharp. Discuss.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
jakethesmake several guys that ran in dieselpower challenge last few years run dune grapplers because they are not allowed to change tires between events. i reckon they done fine in all events
The dune grapplers don't have very much siping to them but the terra's do and they have a lot of leading edges to them also. I may try those on my project ws truck this year if I can't get STS's