2015 ppl 2.6 rules

Put the groove back behind the clipped part of the wheel were it was originally, and or lower the hitch height.
I don't see PPL changing the driveline rules. If you allow open rear ends it opens the door. Then everyone will start complaining about transfer cases which leads to open driveline. Taking power away with turbo rules wont help either bc then we will all be hooked in and snuffing instead of blowing the tires off at the end. Same debate year after year.
I don't think most guys are willing to drop the HP level. They worked too hard to get that HP.
I don't see PPL changing the driveline rules. If you allow open rear ends it opens the door. Then everyone will start complaining about transfer cases which leads to open driveline. Taking power away with turbo rules wont help either bc then we will all be hooked in and snuffing instead of blowing the tires off at the end. Same debate year after year.

No one seemed to have a problem staying on top of the turbos at the lower horsepower level the class use to be.
open drive line in 2.6 is the dumbest thing out there. if sick of breaking go 3.0. Bringing the power down by changing the turbo some will help. And lower the hitch will help also but think about it if do that everyone will have to redo there draw bar hitch to be at the 44inch rule which isn't really bad to do but just more hassle
The cool thing about open rears or open drive line is you DON'T have to do it to compete. If you are content with what you have run it, no one is making you change a thing. It's just an option. I see prostock gas trucks with SRW 33's running rockwells and they have way less than us.

If you want to change the turbo we are all back to spending money.....
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The cool thing about open rears or open drive line is you DON'T have to do it.

Most people can't comprehend this. Or don't want to. They'd rather find pleasure in the fact that the guys that are beating them have to fix rear ends every weekend or more.
The cool thing about open rears or open drive line is you DON'T have to do it to compete. If you are content with what you have run it, no one is making you change a thing. It's just an option. I see prostock gas trucks with SRW 33's running rockwells and they have way less than us.

If you want to change the turbo we are all back to spending money.....

Can a currently legal 3.0 turbo run with a smooth bore 4.1 charger truck? that's an awful big difference even with fancy and well-placed "mwe grooves" on 3.0 chargers.

How much more HP would a top running super street (such as Van, Kellogg, etc) be making over a 4.1 single? It wasn't but a year or so ago that a stupid large single turbo truck was running with those guys. Have they improved enough that no single turbo truck will be keeping up?

So, if 3.0 goes 4.1 and cuts, I think 2.6 could be a DOT tire open driveline (or at least open rear end) 6500-7000 # (yes, gut the friggin things) class since 2.5 is so dang close to what 2.6 used to be and like wise 2.6 is what 3.0 was when they went big driveline.
Do you really think the super stock guys are able to hook up enough, as well, and as fast as a 4.1.
So the current 3.0 guys will have to buy new...

Injection pump(will need at least 1150-1200cc)
Bigger tips for injectors
Cut tires(probably 2 sets if you are really serious,1 set on truck 1 set in trailer)
New wheels(again 2 sets)
Rockwell in front(Maybe)
With the power the 4.1's will produce the non-decks engines will never live.
That is a LOAD of money that most will not spend. I'm sure there are things I am missing from that list, that is just off the top of my head. Yes I know you don't have to buy all the upgrades to run the class but you WILL if you want to compete. If you can't compete why go and waste time and look like a fool 40+ft back. This would be a class killer IMO.
I still say get rid of the class. 2.6 will never go back in horsepower wise. COTPC is locked in until 2017 and I bet that will be the last year of the class in Central Ohio on a state level anyway. I've always wondered with all the technology out there why nobody has come out with some type of billet ring/pinion or super strong counterpart. If 2.6 was ever to survive that would be one of the only ways I could see it imagineable.