24 valve spring tool loaner

zstroken, You got the tool?

JRAD, $399, got plenty in stock. Feel free to call us or one of our distributors.

It's cool to see this still going almost 2 1/2 years later... I didn't read through the whole thread, is it the same tool?
yes i did get the tool sorry for the late responce. tool worked great where it need to go back to?

Just hold it until someone posts up they need it. Make sure you put it where you can see it, so you don't forget about it like i did. LOL
CPP now has 4 tools floating around! I'll order more if you guys need them. If you want to buy a tool, cost is $60 shipped. No charge for using our tool.
Can I get the tool next?

5E Diesel
500 W. Vaughn
Clebune Tx. 76033 :thankyou2:
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