450 to 500hp upgrades

freddyfast9 said:
I think you'll be more than happy with the TN and you might want to look into the same turbo bigrpwr has he's at 736hp and BWD has the injectors too give them a call for a package that will get you there safely.


Freddy that is a VERY misleading statement he did 530 on#2 and 736 on NOS so to just state (get Bigpowr's) turbo he did 736 w/ is a bit misleading.
Yea...there might just be more holed 500 hp 7.3 blocks out there than 6.0 blocks....ya think ?

Wheres the foot-in-mouth smilie? Note to self: think before typing.
Yea...there might just be more holed 500 hp 7.3 blocks out there than 6.0 blocks....ya think ?
I will now enjoy the crow I have to eat...since I windowed mone today.