7.09 1/8 mile 6.0

Now there's a 'stroke I can say I appreciate besides Zanes. Great Job on the times Bryan, and I think you do need a video...I wanna see that thing run.

wow.... everything is already getting fast and the season hasn't even started yet hahaha and seriously when is someone gonna start producing something like a 500 cubic inch crate engine diesel able to hold 8000hp and 15000 ft lbs of torque hahaha comeon guys we're using pickup truck motors!!!!
Here is a link to my second run a 7.22 @ 96. Let me explain a few things before someone starts talking crap. My dial in is a 7.50 in the video because I was running in the street class and that is the fastest time that you are allowed to run in that class. I dialed a 7.35 in the first race and was told I could not do it again(I had no intensions of trying to run my #'s I just wanted to make a few passes). Also at the end of the video you will see a 7.71 after the 7.22 because that is the dial in of the next racer in that lane. I did not video my first run because I got to the track at 3:30 and elimitations started at 3:00 and the street class was the only one that I could get into that had not run yet. So in the rush to unload and get to the staging lane in 10 min I forgot to grab the camera. Also my dad in not a good camera man at all. Enjoy:rockwoot:

Man, you popped the crap out of the limiter too. :doh: :D Do you have a manual tc lock-up switch in there? That's how I stopped mine from doing that and was able to pick up 3/10's.
Bryan, I haven't met you (yet), but DJ speaks of you often when he and I get together.

Awesome times! Congrats!!!!!
