82 Merc 300SD turbo diesel


Hearing Impaired
Jul 23, 2007
Where is the website to mod this baby at? Anyone know. This thing wont get out of its own way. If it had one more cylinder I would swear it was a 12v. LOL
There some in depth discussions on diesel-central.com with a Norwegian, or some dang country over there, who had it modded to the max.

KTA-Cummins has one, I dont know if hes tinkered much on it, yet.
That place hasnt had a post since 2006. I posted two threads there yesterday and it hasnt even had 1 view.
Schuman automotive, most informative site I found, also the best parts source I found.
On top of the injection pump there is a part called the ALDA, you can break off the protective cover and adjust the screw for more pre boost fueling. There really inst that much you can do to the pump without taking it apart. You have a bosch MW pump. They look like P pumps but don't have fuel plate and the governor is a lot different on the inside. Those motors (called a OM617 in the Mercedes world) cant be made to do much of anything power wise, but they will last forever and are awesome on fuel. I used to average around 31 mpg with my 84, most of the driving was stop and go in traffic. Highway was close to 40 easily.
I have the BIG 300sd 4 door sedan. Also this thing is unibody so it weighs in as much as my powerstroke. LOL It doesnt make much more than 27.5 MPG. Thanks for the pump info though.
I have the BIG 300sd 4 door sedan. Also this thing is unibody so it weighs in as much as my powerstroke. LOL It doesnt make much more than 27.5 MPG. Thanks for the pump info though.

I wish mine would get that good of milage. It was getting bout 24-25 when I bought it 6 months ago and the last tank got 19.6.
I am lookin to buy one of these if anyone has a line on one or is in the market to sell ?
check your local craigslist, there are always some on there. i picked my sd up for $500 bucks w/ 210k miles
you can also twist the dv holdowns to the max. mine runs pretty good.
I was wondering the same thing Ive got an 83 SD turbo and want some more power out of it where exactly is the ALDA and is there anyway to adjust the timing. This is just a to work and back car and Im looking for some mileage and power
The ALDA is on top of the IP as best I remember. Go to the Schuman forums for some good info on these cars.
Schuman is a closed ecosystem that hasn't had anything new or original for 2 years. You can't even join the forum anymore!

This place will show you exactly how to adjust your pump for more power: IP Full Load Adjustment Procedure for the MW and M pumps
Adjusting the ALDA doesn't increase total power at all, it just makes smoke off the line.