Abridged version of the build (lots of pics, few words)

LOL and yet another on the todo list ... man just as you think its getting smaller it keeps growing lol

The list is never done.

There's always SOMETHING.

It's like crack....."I gots whatchu need!"

Did you do anything with the valve seats? Why did you stay with the stock intake valves and not switch to exhaust valves in all 4 places.
Did you do anything with the valve seats? Why did you stay with the stock intake valves and not switch to exhaust valves in all 4 places.

The only thing it got were new seats and the valves got lapped.

The head didn't get ported, the intake manifold didn't get machined off, the front cover is going to be a stock piece, the motor mount are rubber and not poly, the water pump isn't electric, etc......

Bottom line.....it comes down to $$$.

This isn't a sponsored truck. The only sponsot truck has is my wallet. There is a limit to the cash that I'm willing to dump into it.

Are there other trick parts to throw at it? Sure.

Do I need them to meet the HP and performance goals of the truck? Yes, No and Debatable.
Whew Hew!

The pistons will be getting delivered today for coating.

Please be safe, please be safe, please be safe.......
I have a small sugestion. Instead of taking the chance of your grid heater bolts working loose and falling in the engine use pipe plugs. just my opinion
I have a small sugestion. Instead of taking the chance of your grid heater bolts working loose and falling in the engine use pipe plugs. just my opinion

I actually have something in mind there.....just need to work on the details of it.

I'm thinking about using them as the mounting points for the nitrous and running it as a spray bar.

Haven't 100% settled on that and haven't 100% thought it through, but that's the direction I'm leaning toward.
very nice build, I wish I could do half the stuff you know how to. good luck with it.
glad to hear that i dont want to see your engine get trashed by a bolt

Yeah, as soon as I started pulling it apart, I was scheming what I could do with it.

If it works the way I want it too, I'll be able to use 1 nozzle w/ two spray bars.

Pistons are done and on the way back.

As soon as those get here, the rotating assembly goes for balancing (3 day turn around) and she goes back together.
cant wait to see some video of this thing run!! been following the build on here and cf since you started..great job
So I started putting a few things back on the motor today.

Got the head as far as I can go until it's put back on, so I figured I'd start on the block.

Test fit the rings and head gasket today.....can't wait to get this thing clamped back down.

Nothing big, just put the motor mounts on, oil pressure sensor, block heater, started cleaning the oil filter head and heat exhanger, but then a buddy got here and we started on his cam issue.



Great build! Keep the pics comin you cant leave us hangin now! That'd be like takin crack from a baby.... er wait...
As soon as I have pistons back, we'll be in business.

Not much else I can really get done until them......

Unless you want pics of a bunch of parts in the parts washer......


Cool my "Cam" issue got a plug..LOL

Its a sight to see this engine in pieces but its going to be a really awesome when its all back together.
Okay, a question was asked about wiring the remote mount batteries.

THE 2 most important things on this are:

2 - MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE SLAVE CABLE BETWEEN THE TWO BATTERIES. The alternator charges at the passenger side, but the voltage and charge state is seen by the ECM on the driver side. If that cable is not there and the ECM sees the driver side going dead, it will tell the alternator to ramp up the voltage. This will cause the system to throw aprox 18 volts to the passenger battery, which is still charged and the battery WILL exploded after a VERY short distance.

Here is how this thing is rigged up. I used, 1 gauge wire throughout.



Remember, batteries grounded to frame, engine grounded to frame, body grounded to frame, body grounded to block and you won't have ground issues.
Awwww Hell........business just picked up, baby!

Must give much love to Swain Tech Coatings. 2 day turn around and they were safe and sound.



