airdog noise

mine was noisy like that and sounded like it would struggle to pump like it was cavitating. the noise was inconsistant but got progresivly louder over time. I even had an issue with it not pumping when we had a very cold snap. I just replaced it this past weekend and this one is quiet, so far it seems good. I put a fuel pressure gauge on at the same time this weekend, and one thing I noticed was that it does not pump a consistant pressure, sometimes it pumps 20psi other times it pumps 17psi and sometimesit is at 15 psi, I can not seem to figure out a reason for it as there is no common occurance that happens to cause the differences.
I am hoping pure flow will find the problem when they get my other pump back. I did notice the gears were worn on my old one.... I don't know. I do know the new one is much better from a noise perspective.

The guys at pure flow were great to work with.
took the cap off and it smoothed out for a minute then back to the gurgling. i thought that was the fix but still same noise. i can hear the returned fuel racing back to the tank.
took the cap off and it smoothed out for a minute then back to the gurgling. i thought that was the fix but still same noise. i can hear the returned fuel racing back to the tank.

I'd suggest calling Charlie at Airdog then. If there's a problem with it... he'll be happy to replace it or walk you through a possible fix.
talked to charlie at airdog and he help me big time with my setup. quality customers service.
Yep, Mine's real loud too. Is there like a screen in the inlet side that might get clogged or something? I just had the tank out and the pickup is fine. It was loud both before and after taking the tank out so I doubt anything was pinched.
I have 2 threads on this: search for: Airdog fuel module upgrade, Attention Fass and Airdog owners.
Sorry I don't know how to link them to this post.

Basicly if you can get the pump to quiet down by changing lines into an open tank, then the pump is not the problem. The box frame on the 3rd gen acts like a amplifier for the vibration that the pump has. The isolaters listed in my thread fixed this for me, my AD165II is now silent. You can pm 2tone12v or call pureflow for help. Read through my threads and you might be able to sort things out, it took 3 pumps for me to get things right, but I also had other issues. You can pm me details and I can try to help you also, but 2tone12v works for the factory.
For you guys that open the water filter and it gets quiet. That is to show whether the noise is mechanical or not. If there is no mechanical noise, you have fuel flow, and you have pressure. Your problem is elsewhere. Air in the fuel when entering the gerotar is where the noise comes from. Its like taking a boat paddle, swinging it through the air and smacking the water. Pow, it makes a noise. Submerge that boat paddle in the water and swing it. No noise at all. That goes for most everything. Bucket full of water. Shake it. No noise. Fill it half water half air. Shake it. Noise. Pure air. No noise. Hope that gives a little better understanding.
Same problem with mine. Spent a few days targeting problem finally pulled pump and pulled cap off of moter. Ended up being a misalighened G roter. Talked to guys at airdog. Great customer service and support. Had a new pump at my door in 2 days.