Akadize process for aluminum info.....

I see now that I missed that it was a coating. So here is my question, how thick is a coating? However much you want? Reason I ask is I'm going to have my pistons cut to fit a big cam so do I have to actually cut them to whatever I need to fit the cam plus however thick the coating is?

The way I read it, The process actually changes the molecular structure of the aluminum to create a thermal barrier/wear surface that add's 2 thousandths to the piston surface.
Hey Hey.........

The way I read it, The process actually changes the molecular structure of the aluminum to create a thermal barrier/wear surface that add's 2 thousandths to the piston surface.

SOMEONE is actually reading the info.......:Cheer:
Check out the hardness change.........


A thesis study was conducted by Mr. Hynn-Soo Hong and Dr. Edward Starke at Georgia Institute of Technology during the period of June to December 1982 concerning fatigue failure during "High Cycle Fatigue" testing of Al-Si casting alloys (SAE 334). The study concentrated upon the skirt and pin boss regions of a piston due to the fact that these areas have typically exhibited fatigue problems.

During the Georgia Technology test program, "Banadized" (Akadized) test samples were evaluated to determine the effect, if any, of the coating upon fatigue life. The test specimens were machined from the pin-boss region of a cast alloy (SAE 334) Cummins Engine Co. piston and furnished LTC (Lovatt) in the "T-5" condition to represent a worst case condition for fatigue properties. The specimens were treated with a .0015" to .0020" coating and returned to Dr. Starke for testing at Georgia Tech.
The specimens were subjected to "High Cycle Fatigue" testing and an S-N curve developed based upon the test findings. An S-N curve is defined as a fatigue life curve (stress) versus number of cycles to failure (Nf). The number of cycles to failure decreases with increasing stress. The curve will typically become horizontal at a limiting stress. This limiting stress is known as the fatigue limit. Should no fatigue limit be clearly defined, however, the fatigue limit is defined as the stress amplitude corresponding to a specific number of cycles to fracture (i.e. 107 cycles).
The composition of the test specimens was as follows:
Silicon = 10.5 - 13.0%
Copper = 1.5 - 2.8%
Magnesium = 0.7 - 1.3%
Nickel = 0.5% min
Iron = 1.0% max.
Manganese = 0.35% max.
Zinc = 0.5% max.
Titanium = 0.5% max.
Others = 0.5% max.

The HCF tests were performed under load control made on an electro hydraulic MTS testing machine with capacities of 10,000 Kg and conducted at 10HZ in sinusoidal fully-reversed tension/compression loading. After 106 cycles, the frequency was changed to 30HZ to decrease the testing time. Testing was discontinued at 107 cycles. A self aligning Wood's metal reservoir was used to insure the coincidence of the machine axis with the specimen axis.

The Banadized (Akadized) specimens show a significant improvement in the fatigue life of the coated T-5 specimens. This result is a direct contradiction when compared with conventional anodic coatings. A previous study by Cummins Engine Co. stated that anodic coating did not improve the fatigue strength of the alloy SAE 334.
Other published literature has stated that the fatigue strength of aluminum will be degreded from 35 to 60 percent as a result of an anodic coating. An increase in the fatigue strength of the Banadized (Akadized) specimens is therefore very significant indeed! ……. Engineers will not have to accept a degraded fatigue life to use Banadized (Akadized) aluminum.


A knoop hardness test was run by Eagle-Picker on aluminum samples Banadized (Akadized) at Lovatt in January, 1983. The objective was to compare untreated samples with those that had been Banadized (Akadized). The hardness of any material coating is directly related to the compression abilities of the substrate material. However, the compressive characteristics of the coating itself as well as the interaction between the coating and the substrate (through conversion of the material microstructure) will produce a relative hardness differential between the coated and the uncoated material. Lovatt felt the relative change in the material hardness characteristics could provide a useful piece of information for the applications engineer.

The study results indicate an increase of the "relative" material hardness for Type 6061 Aluminum Alloy of 367 to 505 percent with the Banadized (Akadized) coating.
The study also indicates an increase of 201 percent for the "relative" material hardness of Type 7075 Aluminum Alloy with the Banadized (Akadized) coating.
A determination was not made for the "relative" change of the SXA (Metal Matrix Composite) specimens. The only uncoated sample available for the test was too warped to make a good hardness determination.

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The way I read it, The process actually changes the molecular structure of the aluminum to create a thermal barrier/wear surface that add's 2 thousandths to the piston surface.

Be careful with terminology here...

Akadizing is akin to anodizing, where you're electrochemically creating a surface layer that is typically alumina (aluminum oxide). The trick is getting the layer to successfully integrate with the substrate so there is no flaking off / spalling / etc. There are a lot of variables with anodizing processes and you can make all kinds of films with a wide range of applications and results. The properties depend on the process and the electrolyte, some of which actually gets incorporated into the films so that it's not 100% alumina....and that's often a key to making it work.

"Changing the molecular structure" is one way of saying it, but I would call it a "conversion coating" where you're taking aluminum atoms and joining them with oxygen and other additive atoms and creating a new phase on the surface.

Sorry for the mumbo jumbo, just saying that they're creating what most folks would call a ceramic coating on the surface of the piston using an electrolytic process.

All that aside, I understand the stuff works pretty well.
THIS is NOT like anodizing........

Be careful with terminology here...

Akadizing is akin to anodizing, where you're electrochemically creating a surface layer that is typically alumina (aluminum oxide). The trick is getting the layer to successfully integrate with the substrate so there is no flaking off / spalling / etc. There are a lot of variables with anodizing processes and you can make all kinds of films with a wide range of applications and results. The properties depend on the process and the electrolyte, some of which actually gets incorporated into the films so that it's not 100% alumina....and that's often a key to making it work.

"Changing the molecular structure" is one way of saying it, but I would call it a "conversion coating" where you're taking aluminum atoms and joining them with oxygen and other additive atoms and creating a new phase on the surface.

Sorry for the mumbo jumbo, just saying that they're creating what most folks would call a ceramic coating on the surface of the piston using an electrolytic process.

All that aside, I understand the stuff works pretty well.

Anodizing does nothing more than change the color really. That is NOT what akadizing is at all. Anodizing will make it harder, but not 500% harder, and not much difference in thermal properties. Type 3 anodizing is getting close.
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Hard Coat Anodizing Type 3

Industrial Hard Coat Anodizing

As a raw metal, aluminum has wonderful properties of ductility and malleability, but these very characteristics also means that it is very soft. Industrial hard coat anodizing deposits a thick layer of aluminum oxide both on and in the surface of the aluminum, resulting in a surface hardness approaching that of diamonds.

Industrial hard coating is a Type III anodizing process, utilizing low bath temperatures, high current density, special electrolytes, and agitation to form a very hard, thick coating of aluminum oxide that actually penetrates the surface of the base metal. In fact, in true hard coat anodizing, fully half the thickness of the protective aluminum oxide layer penetrates beneath the surface, with the other half building up above the surface.

Industrial hard coating will result in an aluminum piece that exhibits superb abrasion and wear resistance, with excellent dielectric properties. Hard coat anodized surfaces also have a high degree of lubricity, which can be further enhanced by impregnation with solid lubricants such as PTFE (Teflon®) for an even lower coefficient of friction.

It has long been known that reactive metals and alloys can be protected from corrosion and deterioration by the application of of a coating of an unreactive material. Such a protective coating can greatly extend the use of the metals and alloys. In the case of aluminum, the development over the past two decades of hard anodizing has permitted uses of the metal far beyond those envisioned by its discoverers. Because hard anodizing prevents galvanic reaction, aluminum can now be used with steel, brass, and bronze.

Industrial Hard Coat Anodizing (Type 3/Type III) is not to be confused with ordinary anodized aluminum, in which a very thin coating of aluminum oxide is developed only on the surface of the metal. Hard anodizing requires a special electrolysis process which produces a dense layer of aluminum oxide BOTH ON and IN the aluminum surface. The thickness of this hard anodizing coating ranges from 1 to 3 mils or more.

Aluminum oxide is an inert, stable compound. As a coating, it imparts this inertness to the aluminum surface. Because it distributes heat evenly and efficiently, it can be used as a coating of high temperature material for industrial furnaces.
Read the last sentence...........

Anodizing, or anodising in British English, is an electrolytic passivation process used to increase the thickness of the natural oxide layer on the surface of metal parts. The process is called "anodizing" because the part to be treated forms the anode electrode of an electrical circuit. Anodizing increases corrosion resistance and wear resistance, and provides better adhesion for paint primers and glues than bare metal. Anodic films can also be used for a number of cosmetic effects, either with thick porous coatings that can absorb dyes or with thin transparent coatings that add interference effects to reflected light. Anodizing is also used to prevent galling of threaded components and to make dielectric films for electrolytic capacitors. Anodic films are most commonly applied to protect aluminium alloys, although processes also exist for titanium, zinc, magnesium, niobium, and tantalum. This process is not a useful treatment for iron or carbon steel because these metals exfoliate when oxidized; i.e. the iron oxide (also known as rust) flakes off, constantly exposing the underlying metal to corrosion.

Anodization changes the microscopic texture of the surface and changes the crystal structure of the metal near the surface. Thick coatings are normally porous, so a sealing process is often needed to achieve corrosion resistance. Anodized aluminium surfaces, for example, are harder than aluminium but have low to moderate wear resistance that can be improved with increasing thickness or by applying suitable sealing substances. Anodic films are generally much stronger and more adherent than most types of paint and metal plating, but also more brittle. This makes them less likely to crack and peel from aging and wear, but more susceptible to cracking from thermal stress.

That is the main difference betweEn AKADIZE and ANODIZE, IMHO. Type 3 anodize is close, but still not the same.
Did you READ my posts???? Yes, we use it.

Yes I read them and yes I don't understand the info. I understood that you use it in nitro. Sorry I'm not as smart as you. When I read things and find out I don't understand, I ask questions hoping that someone will explain so that a retard like me can understand. When I see things like silicon=10.5-13%, that means absolutely nothing to me.
How about this, I'll call them on that new number someone posted and ask them questions.
Ask to talk with owner, the guy I talked to didn't
know very much. I left my name and # for owner
to call back, never bothered calling.
Anodizing does nothing more than change the color really. That is NOT what akadizing is at all. Anodizing will make it harder, but not 500% harder, and not much difference in thermal properties. Type 3 anodizing is getting close.

You obviously have no materials science background whatsoever. Nice job doing cut 'n paste from the interwebby though!

Anodic coatings have no color. They are porous alumina, and you dye them.

I just said above, you can vary anodizing processes to make ALL KINDS of films on the surface, some of which are only superficial, and other like Akadize, have great mechanical properties too.

The basis of all these films is alumina. You can modify it a lot if you choose to, and that's what Lovatt is doing.
Yes to the cut and paste, its quicker.....

You obviously have no materials science background whatsoever. Nice job doing cut 'n paste from the interwebby though!

Anodic coatings have no color. They are porous alumina, and you dye them.

I just said above, you can vary anodizing processes to make ALL KINDS of films on the surface, some of which are only superficial, and other like Akadize, have great mechanical properties too.

The basis of all these films is alumina. You can modify it a lot if you choose to, and that's what Lovatt is doing.

If you think it is a porous surface, well, it isnt. I didnt want people trying to save money by doing home anodizing, thinking it may give them the same results. Our pistons actually approach our lifters in smoothness, which are DLC coated. Slippery little suckers with oil on your hands.:hehe: As for the materials science background, well, I never claimed to have one. Just trying to give you guys options other than monotherms or ceramics. We have tried several ceramic coatings and have yet to have them last, other than on/in headers and intake manifolds. And yes, I know that there are ceramics for retaining or shedding heat, lubricity, etc. Thanks

Oh yeah, Lovatts process DOES penetrate the surface the same amount as is built up ON the surface, unless they are lying. But I can tell you that the aluminum appears different when you cut a treated piston compared to s non-treated piston.
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Chill out.......

Yes I read them and yes I don't understand the info. I understood that you use it in nitro. Sorry I'm not as smart as you. When I read things and find out I don't understand, I ask questions hoping that someone will explain so that a retard like me can understand. When I see things like silicon=10.5-13%, that means absolutely nothing to me.
I was responding to your question on whether or not we actually use it. That was in the first post. If you meant something else, well, I must have misunderstood. Thanks
SOMEONE is actually reading the info.......:Cheer:

It was a very interesting post... I actually reread it a few times so my post didn't make me look like an idiot, lol. I always reread and proof read before hitting the post button... unlike alot of people on the internet.

I just wish I would have known about this when I rebuilt my motor, for $200 I would have sent my pistons in. :doh:
If you think it is a porous surface, well, it isnt. I didnt want people trying to save money by doing home anodizing, thinking it may give them the same results. Our pistons actually approach our lifters in smoothness, which are DLC coated. Slippery little suckers with oil on your hands.:hehe: As for the materials science background, well, I never claimed to have one. Just trying to give you guys options other than monotherms or ceramics. We have tried several ceramic coatings and have yet to have them last, other than on/in headers and intake manifolds. And yes, I know that there are ceramics for retaining or shedding heat, lubricity, etc. Thanks

Oh yeah, Lovatts process DOES penetrate the surface the same amount as is built up ON the surface, unless they are lying. But I can tell you that the aluminum appears different when you cut a treated piston compared to s non-treated piston.

Goodness, you can't read, either!

Some anodic coating are just porous alumina, and some aren't. That's been my whole point all along that this is a variation on anodizing so that people get what it is.

Of course it's going to cut differently than the base Al alloy....it's a damn ceramic about 4 thou thick.

Are you selling these? Sure sounds like you're making a sales pitch...

Goodness, you can't read, either!

Some anodic coating are just porous alumina, and some aren't. That's been my whole point all along that this is a variation on anodizing so that people get what it is.

Of course it's going to cut differently than the base Al alloy....it's a damn ceramic about 4 thou thick.

Are you selling these? Sure sounds like you're making a sales pitch...
Pretty sure I can read. Heres your post, "Anodic coatings have no color. They are porous alumina, and you dye them." SEE the word POROUS in there. Thats what I read. No, I dont sell this stuff. We use it, and if what I am reading in here is correct, maybe we need to find a different company to do it. We havent had to buy pistons in about 2 years since we have to buy 8 at a time for custom stuff from Arias.
No one has answered, does anyone else akadize? I cant get Lovatt to answer the phone. Actually I don't even know who I'm getting ahold of. Some guy on the message machine, doesn't say if its Lovatt or not.