Another New Girl

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Not me, I keep mine clipped short so I don't have to worry about breaking em workin on a truck. :)
Six point oh no!

I would like to argue that point. i know MANY guys especially here that would pick her up if her big 6.0 left her and her big boobs on the side of the road!:rules::hehe:

Its a six point oh there is no if it will leave her stranded its when will it leave her stranded:hehe:

ok I done:hehe:

Anyways bigfordbabe welcome and stuff:blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1:

I have not read the whole thread because it is holy shyit long so I may have missed where you talked about your pickup.

I would like to know what all you have done to it.

I see the monster lift and big tires that obvious even to a cummins guy.

What about engine, tranny etc.

What gears do you have in it?

Oh and if you don't mind me asking what sort of mileage do you get?
Its a six point oh there is no if it will leave her stranded its when will it leave her stranded:hehe:

ok I done:hehe:

Anyways bigfordbabe welcome and stuff:blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1:

I have not read the whole thread because it is holy shyit long so I may have missed where you talked about your pickup.

I would like to know what all you have done to it.

I see the monster lift and big tires that obvious even to a cummins guy.

What about engine, tranny etc.

What gears do you have in it?

Oh and if you don't mind me asking what sort of mileage do you get?

well for starters she has mildly modified boobs and a well tuned rear end....oh wait, you wanted to know about the truck.....sry, I got nuthin.
All this over a girl that wrecked one guys truck, is posing with another guys truck, and owns and drives a 'yota as of right now? Wow, I believe I've kept up with the thread, or maybe I misread somewhere? Anyways, still fun to read.
All this over a girl that wrecked one guys truck, is posing with another guys truck, and owns and drives a 'yota as of right now? Wow, I believe I've kept up with the thread, or maybe I misread somewhere? Anyways, still fun to read.

we dont call that following we call it stalking
me and the new girl are gona have kids, we love each other!
we dont call that following we call it stalking

It's been fun to read to say the least lol. But was my previous post correct? Also, since I haven't looked her up on FB, sent her PM's or seen any other pics than those in this thread, I feel that stalking is too harsh a phrase lmao.
we dont call that following we call it stalking

you sir need to learn the difference between following, paying attention and stalking.

stalking is illegal.. unless some one has threatened bodily harm.. then no one has commited stalking
Originally Posted by kas83
All this over a girl that wrecked one guys truck, is posing with another guys truck, and owns and drives a 'yota as of right now? Wow, I believe I've kept up with the thread, or maybe I misread somewhere? Anyways, still fun to read.
this is paying attention and following..all which is perfectly 100% legal.

suck it up BF you got her on here... you seamed worried think you goign to loos something??????
Funny, I have talked to her a couple of times on FB and there was nothing but normal conversation going on, no stalking from me that's for sure but she did say something about me sounding like her Dad LOL

Funny, I have talked to her a couple of times on FB and there was nothing but normal conversation going on, no stalking from me that's for sure but she did say something about me sounding like her Dad LOL


That's because we are old enough to be her Dad Jim!! I gotta run over to TG&Y(old Oklahoma store) and pick up my Geritol and Metamucil later today.
That's because we are old enough to be her Dad Jim!! I gotta run over to TG&Y(old Oklahoma store) and pick up my Geritol and Metamucil later today.

If you are that old do not forget about your depends :hehe::hehe::hehe:
Your telling me you wont help a girl with big tits stranded on the road.

uummmm from the pictures in this thread... she does not qualify as having big tits..... more like b's or maybe a small set of c's with a good pushup bra..... :poke: and if her 6 leaker had left her stranded.... I might consider picking her up... but I would have to decide if she needed help or was a hooker...LOL
If you are that old do not forget about your depends :hehe::hehe::hehe:

I'm not that old but I do turn 45 next month, I'd buy 100 pill bottle of Viagra to combat the age but the only one that would enjoy it would be me........that stuff is crazy!

Welcome To CompD!

Word of advice. Yeah, you're the hot new girl on the forum right now, congrats, enjoy it. It's gonna end soon, there is ALWAYS another hot new girl. If all you have is some slutty pictures and a bunch of innuendo you won't make it far in diesel performance, you have to have some substance (or some douchebag to spend alot of money making your truck fast) to keep these boys interested for long. I was that hot new girl for a little while, I posted sexy pictures and flirted my little heart out. It was fun, until I wanted people to take me seriously. I have to fight the stereotype I made for myself on a daily basis and it sucks.
So, if you want to have these guys "stalking you" and stroking your ego, go for it. But don't get your feelings hurt when they toss you over for the shiny new toy, or when you try to become something more than an object of unhealthy sexual desire and no one will listen to you.

Once again, welcome to CompD! Enjoy your stay here, however brief it may be.

well said, but she would NEED A TRUCK THAT'S HER'S to make fast....
It's been fun to read to say the least lol. But was my previous post correct? Also, since I haven't looked her up on FB, sent her PM's or seen any other pics than those in this thread, I feel that stalking is too harsh a phrase lmao.

you sir are correct.....
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