Another New Girl

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^^^^^ jeezus!! i put up a pic of my girl and damn it was like a herd of fat kids at a cupcake factory! you'd think they've never seen one before!

It's tough when all they've got to talk back to them is the image in the mirror ;) lol
Why is it that I have a suspicious feeling that Ang is not a huge fan of bigfordbabe?
hmmmm maybe a race at TS to settle the compd queen status?

Queen Status? I do believe that belongs to Tanks ;) I think he looks in the mirror at himself more than any girl I know. Besides, any guy who has the same threads on 9-10 truck sites, sure sounds like Queen of something to me.
Queen Status? I do believe that belongs to Tanks ;) I think he looks in the mirror at himself more than any girl I know. Besides, any guy who has the same threads on 9-10 truck sites, sure sounds like Queen of something to me.

I don't look in the mirror,...would you if this is what you see staring back at you?

Wow your popular! 32 pages haha Welcome to CompD, also how long you been riding I used to manage a primarily English barn?
awesome i wish I would have gotten into riding earlier. I never really rode much just took care of all the horses.
Hey (P)angela! Long time no see! I see from the posts your partner in crime went and got herself hitched and even dumped her Dodge! Isn't that one of the signs of the apocalypse?

We now return you to your regularly scheduled stalking...
It may have to do with she is better looking? :doh:

Looks have nothing to do with it.

I give this forum out to new people that I meet. People at the gas station, people at the track and people I meet on vacation at the grocery store when they see me wearing a diesel t-shirt. Not people who ask for a cyber sex forum.

Being that I am one of very few females in this sport, I am thrilled to see new ones join the fun and competing. When I read this thread, preparing to welcome the new girl, I was actually embarrassed. Embarrassed to see the majority of males flocking to Lynley like they've never seen breasts or blond hair before, embarrassed to see her posting things that resemble porn; while loving every minute of it, and embarrassed to see that the new people I give this web address to, might read this as their first introductory thread to diesel motor sports.

Carry on however you'd like, but take it to pm's if you want to pre-game for some attempt at a sexual endeavor. Everyone knows I've hollered at Tanks for his actions also, take that into consideration. So this has nothing to do with "looks" and nothing to do with you personally Lynley. I don't know you from Adam, and you might be one of the nicest girls in the world, but give people a chance to see that about you before you start acting like Eve and dangling the 'apple' in front of the boys, in public.

Oh, and welcome to Competition Diesel, where we bring the best together.

Hey (P)angela! Long time no see! I see from the posts your partner in crime went and got herself hitched and even dumped her Dodge! Isn't that one of the signs of the apocalypse?

We now return you to your regularly scheduled stalking...

Hey Michael! I'm great lol, thanks for asking. And yes, sometimes life happens, and you just happen to find the one who IS worth spending the rest of your life with. May we all be so lucky, right? As for the apocalypse lol, well... I think there's a couple movies on it out there somewhere. Thank God I've never seen diesels in them, that would mean diesels died in the making of that film lol.
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