Anybody got an Idea? 05 won't start.

Are you able to check rail pressure while cranking the motor?Could the cp3 be defective and not making enough pressure to start motor?
If you have power at Inj solinoids its not the ecm. Have you had the Injectors checked. I know you said they were new...... Are they Cummins?
RCCX said:
Are you able to check rail pressure while cranking the motor?Could the cp3 be defective and not making enough pressure to start motor?

We're reading live data and have a rail gauge in the truck. This is the 3rd cp3 on the truck since Thursday. This cp3 is a reman unit from cummins.

Yes, gotta give major props to sootman for working so hard on it and helping me out where the other "mechanic" messed up. I was at his house with him working on the truck til 1:30am friday night.
How much pressure is it making while you are trying to crank it?
Snedge said:
If you have power at Inj solinoids its not the ecm. Have you had the Injectors checked. I know you said they were new...... Are they Cummins?

No, the are EDMed. They worked fine until the cp3 grenaded. Since then, Sootman has been trying to get them cleaned out so they will quit mis-firing. The last thing done to the truck before it wouldn't start was tearing down injectors 5 and 6. The bodies were taken apart and cleaned. They were assumed to be the last 2 problematic injectors so they were moved to cylinder 1 and 2.
RCCX said:
How much pressure is it making while you are trying to crank it?

Sootman would have to tell ya that. I've been stuck at work just waiting for Bobby to call me with any updates. I'm at work in College Station right now.
If you can pm me his phone number maybe I can give him a few ideas,I am just down the road from where he lives I believe.
also can try capping off idividual injects one at a time and see if she fires will show a bad inject that way...if it doesnt see tlike 6000 psi at startup the injects wont fire andf no starty
973604x4 said:
No, the are EDMed. They worked fine until the cp3 grenaded. Since then, Sootman has been trying to get them cleaned out so they will quit mis-firing. The last thing done to the truck before it wouldn't start was tearing down injectors 5 and 6. The bodies were taken apart and cleaned. They were assumed to be the last 2 problematic injectors so they were moved to cylinder 1 and 2.

Who cleaned them? Sootman? Those bodys are pretty tricky from what I understand. Setting the return flow up is critical. Just curious.
Snedge said:
Who cleaned them? Sootman? Those bodys are pretty tricky from what I understand. Setting the return flow up is critical. Just curious.

Bobby aka sootman did.
Pulled all the inj's to see if we had a sealing issue. NONE. Made a mixture of ether and diesel to fire off engine. Pulled FCA plug. Started engine and it ran on outside fuel source, but injectors never fired. I saw 4,000 psi rail press before I let motor die. New CP3 is making pressure. I pulled the injectors out and I am having them pop tested. :bang :bang
Keep us posted 973604x4. Curious to know the outcome.
I thought I had seen it all with the ISBE. This truck diffenately takes the cake! All the usual things that can cause this problem are not causing it. I will feel better after the sticks are tested again, hence the Cp3 failure.
once again mad props to sootman. I owe the man more than he is charging me for sure. :Cheer:
sootman said:
I thought I had seen it all with the ISBE. This truck diffenately takes the cake! All the usual things that can cause this problem are not causing it. I will feel better after the sticks are tested again, hence the Cp3 failure.

Kind of like women about the time you think you know them and have it all going your way they just change :pop: and you start all over wondering what the heck happened here ???
You've tried everything else but have you tried a different set of injectors? Do you have the ability to see if the injectors are getting signal? It could be something as simple as a bad wiring harness somewhere. It does sound electrical more than anything though. Is there a box on the truck? Or a downloader in the ecm? Just shooting in the dark here.
truck is stock. Took sticks to M&D this morning to have tested. They run pop, flow, and some other tests on them. I've got no codes. I have voltage on either side of the solenoids in the start or run position. I don't have an incadescent test light to check pulse. I will be making one today I think.....:bang