August 9th Gainesville Raceway

This is what I look forward to I already can't wait for the next event!!!!
It is truly my pleasure to help. need anything just let me know!
Mike, Mike, Mike... do I have work to do with you or what? LOL

I want to thank everyone who came out this weekend and helped make this event a success! As always, we had a blast! Made a bunch of new friends and caught up with some old ones again. If there's one thing that both Chris and I wish we could do differently, it's to spend more time hangin' out in the pits with everyone. But it takes a lot of work to make it all come together, and that's where ya'll come in.

I especially want to thank all of our "veteran" racers... Rodger, Gary, Pete, Kurt (and anyone else I missed). You guys helpin' out the newbies with questions, makin' sure everyone is hangin' back in the lanes till the tower is done with the ladders... that kind of stuff makes a huge difference, and we really appreciate it. The track was truly impressed with our professionalism.

I also want to thank Loretta, Little, Sylvia, Bryan Luke (& your Dad), and all of Team Biron Racing for helping us keep an eye on our daughter Katie. She loves to come out racing with us, and ya'll make it easy on us to let her. Thank you. :bow:

We've said it before, but it's true... without the racers, we don't have races to put on. We can't thank everyone enough. :clap::clap:

I'm not sure I helped anyone one out being so hung over. I made a couple of Dodge guys nervous by telling them I put sugar in there tanks. :hehe: Katie is a cool little girl. She is like our daughter and love to see her at ever race.

I did make a point to try and get new guys to race. I think I even threaten one guy enough that he started drinking as soon as he got to the track.

I would like to *itch about you idiots doing burnouts and hard launches in the parking lot. I saw one black Dodge take off in front of us with little kids running around and an old Dodge dually did a burnout at the end. It make us all look bad.

Anyway I will see ya all at Moroso.

Pete/ Biron team racing
I did make a point to try and get new guys to race. I think I even threaten one guy enough that he started drinking as soon as he got to the track.

Pete I started drinking way early in the day not right when I got there its not why I started drinking I guess if I would have stayed at DJ's late enough I would have maybe not started drinking so early on Sat but oh well still was a good time if I make it to Moroso in Oactober I will race

I had a really good time and there was a lot of trucks there I was very impressed I went to a race in NHRDA event at Moroso and you could hardly tell thats what it was but at this race there was so many diesels you could tell no problem

How many trucks raced on Sat???
I would like to *itch about you idiots doing burnouts and hard launches in the parking lot.

I second that. I know better than anybody, how easy it is to get "inspired" to burn some rubber, But our goal is to impress the track management with our professionalism & safty-mindedness, so get your butt ON the track, or save that stuff for DJ's house! :bigsmile:
But really, as a group, we put on a great show, & the track manager was very impressed. he said: "we will be invited back"
...& speaking of DJ... The pre-party Rocked!!!! DJ, ViV, Brian, all who put that together, hats off. Cant wait for the next one!!!!
Mike, Mike, Mike... do I have work to do with you or what? LOL

And ofcourse my thanks would not be complete without giving thanks to all the ladies at the track. Robin, Neilden's girl, my g/f for letting me go, and all the other wifes and g/f that allow their partners to act a fool every couple months. Thank you everyone again.

Robin it looks like I dont need that much work after all...:cheer:
lets do one in december to close up the racing season. I will definitely be able to make it.
hell my g/f told me we were going to moroso before i even knew it was happening. I guess ill keep this one around for a while. Oh and now she wants a diesel of her own. "SHES A KEEPER"
Has the count down started yet for moroso? im itching already!!!
Buddy you have no idea. The wife loves the races more then me, well she loves the parties. I was talking to her last night and I think she knows more about everyone then I do. I try my best to try and talk to as many people as I can. Its not every day we get to talk to people that have a clue about diesels.

What about a Friday pre party to kick off Moroso??
I normally have too much running around once things start to talk very much! It is the highlight of my life right now. I just wish I could talk my wife into comming. I know she would have fun!
bring ur wife

shamboo just tell her that u want to bring her on a minny vacation to west palm and as u drive by the track say, look honey there racing here today can we go can we?:cheer:
Lets just make sure we don't all line up together next race. It seems that we 4 always line up and take each other out. I had Kurt pull a perfect light on me, then Roger took me out. Just not right.
Buddy you have no idea. The wife loves the races more then me, well she loves the parties. I was talking to her last night and I think she knows more about everyone then I do. I try my best to try and talk to as many people as I can. Its not every day we get to talk to people that have a clue about diesels.

What about a Friday pre party to kick off Moroso??

Where at? boy I hope we can BBQ at morosso... those drink lines were killing me... LOL

Well I got one converted.. my g/f.... her ex b/f use to be into tuner cars.. LOL she said that she has alot more respect for diesel trucks now after watching them go in the 12's and 11's.. LOL shes smarter then she looks LOL
What about a Friday pre party to kick off Moroso??

I think we definitely need to make this happen. I'll start checkin' out places we can get together. We'd have everyone here, but there's just not enough room, and my neighbors can only tolerate so much LOL
I think we definitely need to make this happen. I'll start checkin' out places we can get together. We'd have everyone here, but there's just not enough room, and my neighbors can only tolerate so much LOL

What, they dont like a lil smoke?:st:
there is JW corbet management area, as well as duprious (sp), both have camping and its only like $3 a piece if you don't have your management stamp from FWC....

as for peanut island. good luck with that one LOL accessible by boat only, although I know somebody that floated a swamp buggy over there LOL