Axle Carnage. Please HELP! Truck Down

Sorry to hear that Jory. I'll refrain from any pink saddle jokes.

:hehe:Actually I think the harness was pink, but this is not the time to poke fun. We are tasked with making the poor fellow smile.
Jory- I recall a member here recently looking to sell and convert his duallie to single- he has a rear 4 sale in the classifieds here- if he sells I can buy his duallie fender extensions. Go lookie the classifieds here.
The other day I went through the pics in my phone and deleted all the pics of Ron's Specials. Mel was looking for a pic to show someone and noticed they were all gone and she asked why I deleted them. I told her I only take them to send you:D

And if that little story didn't cheer you up I don't know what will:D

I wouldn't have any qualms about having a big truck shop make new ends. Sounds like it may be the cheapest option if you take it to them.

I know there is a salvage yard here in Tulsa that does Dodge parts, want me to track down a number for ya? I could even see if they have a dually axle...
I had called Drive Train Specialists about an hour ago. They gave me the number of "Axle Surgeon" out of Shawnee. 888-452-2953. They show up anywhere in the state, cut the end off the tube and install a line boring machine to it. They mill out the inside of the tube a little then slips a new end on it with heat and interferance mate it. Then they weld it and it is good as new...actually, truth be told, probably stronger than stock since the new end slips inside the old tube 4-5 inches. Perfect alignment and they garantee anything they do for the life of the axle. $825....but...not pulling anything. They show up, do it, put the hub on and go. What'd'ya'll think of that? I'm sure we'll have to cut the end of to ever see the axle again. :D

He also told me that if they did the repair and there was anything I didn't like about it....they'd cut it back off and I didn't owe them a dime. They have also been doing this and only this for 25 years he said. Seemed like a nice, repectable guy too. I guess I may have to find out. He said if I called him, he could be at my place in the morning.
I heard a good one from Roy D. Mercer yesterday...and may apply to all making pink saddle jokes....

....some of you all need to be loaded into a bulls ass and chit in the river......

:hehe: I can't wait to use that one at a gig. :D
That doesn't sound like a bad deal at all. Still need new shaft(s) though. I wonder how much you would save pulling and delivering it? May be worth a day of wrenching...

The place I was talking about can hook you up with a reman unit for the low low price of $ 2,050.00!

He said Danny's Differentials here in T-Town does great work and may be able to take care of ya.
I heard a good one from Roy D. Mercer yesterday...and may apply to all making pink saddle jokes....

....some of you all need to be loaded into a bulls ass and chit in the river......

:hehe: I can't wait to use that one at a gig. :D
I don't know why people make fun of your pink saddle and harness. They do match your hat :homo::hehe::hehe:
Let me know if you need any pieces I can provide, Jory.. I'll help out any way I can. :)
I have the "axle surgeon" coming tomorrow afternoon to fix the tube. They are stopping OKC to pick up all the parts I need (except a new hub if it is destroyed) so I don't have to pay shipping. I'll document and let you guys know how the repair goes and what it looks like when finished.

Forrest, are you sober yet? How's yer head? :D
I have the "axle surgeon" coming tomorrow afternoon to fix the tube. They are stopping OKC to pick up all the parts I need (except a new hub if it is destroyed) so I don't have to pay shipping. I'll document and let you guys know how the repair goes and what it looks like when finished.

Forrest, are you sober yet? How's yer head? :D

Good deal. That is cheaper than a new ride I suppose.
If you need me to email you anymore happy thoughts just le' me know:hehe:
Is the wife going to ask the "surgeon" to add on to your tube while he's at it, J? :hehe:
Well, I might not hit bottom but I'll bang the hell out of the sides. That seems to be good enough. :D

As for the hub...I sure hope I don't need one after I cuttin' tourch it apart so I can see it. The crooks at Dodge want $353.55 for it!!!!! HOLY CRAP!!! Where is the "feels like I just got out of prision" smilie? :hehe:
Well at least they won't need the boring machine for you if you buy the hub.
