Bad fuel, insurance, and new trucks. Help me decide

i would say new truck !!

the same thing happen here in wisconsin a few years ago and the fuel company had to fix every truck that put the bad fuel in. or the station that you got the fuel from they will have to fix it. all depends on who messed up will be paying out there a$$ to fix it. keep on them and you will get it fixed for FREE!! or find out who delivers there fuel and make some phone calls they have to keep all the paper work on all of that. you will win it!! when happen here and i know a few guys that got a lot of new parts. just keep on them good luck

That was a Sherlock Holmes tip. Whoever messed should be booked by law.
I have never seen a insurance company cover anything mechanical related such as this. Only physical damage
I have never seen a insurance company cover anything mechanical related such as this. Only physical damage

The dealer I worked at would do this all the time, and sometimes the insurense will pay, sometimes they wont. Its just a scam by the dealer, so they don't have to warranty parts. Anyone in there right mind knows, you do not NEED to replace all those parts.
To total the vehicle he would need a repair estimate that exceeds 75% of the vehicles retail value.

In other words, the damages would have to exceed $17,625 if the truck is booking for $23,500.

The wording varies from state to state but, for practical purposes this is not a total loss or anywhere near it.
The vandalism is what it would be filed under. And yes it has a lien on it so it needs to be good mechanical condition and apearance wise be suitable to the lien holder. And how am I supossed to know it had water in the fuel? I had a water seoerator but it obviously wasn't enough. That is out of my control. Not my fault.
And if they really get into it they will see that your aftermarket fuel system that eliminates your oem water/fuel sensor and it may fall back on you.
We will see what happens. If it was miniscule water in the fuel I'd of made it further than two miles down the road. This fuel just got tested at a local chemical company and it has 19% water or other than diesel fuel chemicals in it. I've covered my back on this. My insurance company has been carrying me, my family, and family business for over 30 years. Insurance company has my back. As well as me and my family using that one particular fuel station for 5+ years. As many vehicals and miles we travel it should be taken into consideration to the fuel company. I would estimate we spend $10-15,000 a year at the fuel station. Loyal customers are hard to come by now a days.
The dealer I worked at would do this all the time, and sometimes the insurense will pay, sometimes they wont. Its just a scam by the dealer, so they don't have to warranty parts. Anyone in there right mind knows, you do not NEED to replace all those parts.

I asked my insurance company about extra insurance they told me there was none they could provide for me except on my sound system i was like:umno:
The only parts I'm saying needs replaced is injectors, cp3, rail, rail relief valve, rail presure sensor, and connector tubes and in-tank fuel pump Everything else will be flushed with BG. It calls for 19.90 hours labor plus the BG and tow truck services as well as what the injection shop charged for testing my stuff. It's all legit.
The insurance company will definately subrogate to the fuel station. You're not going to be able to double dip.

My buddy had a bad tank of fuel in his 12v and it ran on it. In a mason jar it looked like muddy water that never seperated, we don't get fuel from that station anymore.
The only parts I'm saying needs replaced is injectors, cp3, rail, rail relief valve, rail presure sensor, and connector tubes and in-tank fuel pump Everything else will be flushed with BG. It calls for 19.90 hours labor plus the BG and tow truck services as well as what the injection shop charged for testing my stuff. It's all legit.

When I did them at the dealer, I replaced everything from the filler neck, to the injector nozzles. Everything fuel touches. For the price they came up with ($10k+) I figured that was for the same amount of parts.
Parts list was $9,115 from Mopar. That includes everything.
Ended up with $10,876.31 with a $100 deductable. Now time to fix it. And I didn't even show insurance man any parts list. Onlything he did was call dodge and they gave him a price. My insurance is damn good. Now they aregoing after the fuel station in the near future. I had to give him sample of fuel today.
The only parts I'm saying needs replaced is injectors, cp3, rail, rail relief valve, rail presure sensor, and connector tubes and in-tank fuel pump Everything else will be flushed with BG. It calls for 19.90 hours labor plus the BG and tow truck services as well as what the injection shop charged for testing my stuff. It's all legit.

Why would the rail and tubes need to be changed.
Couldn't they be flushed out and saved. they are
hard parts, nothing to go bad.
You should see my cross over tubes and rail. It's rusty. Plus I'm not gunna use old tubes and new injectors. That's just dumb.
i didnt know your insurance would pay to fix your truck if you got bad fuel, at least that good to know